Green Policies Make Everyone Poor

“Green” policies are making the few rich at the expense of the many right now. But by impoverishing the many, the few are destroying the market that makes them rich. When consumers can no longer afford to buy their costly “green” goods, the vendors themselves will also be doomed.

The fewer hydrocarbons that companies and citizens are “allowed” to consume, the more money they will be willing to pay for “credits.” Through self-dealing mandates, governments create artificially appreciating “green” assets. The sky is the limit!
But is it not the total confiscation of one’s wealth and the fruits of one’s labor that is the inevitable end? Should ordinary people not be able to abandon their consumption of hydrocarbons as easily as government agents demand, they will simply have to go without automobiles, modern technologies, ordinary comforts, air conditioning, or even heat.
No personal cost, it seems, is too high to meet the Green New World Order’s demands - or to ensure that preferred “green” vendors and their government friends remain flush. “Green” profits can only rise if citizens’ freedoms continue to fall.
This much is certain: should the hydrocarbon bedrock of the global economy be traded for worthless “green” rocks, neither wealthy capitalists nor poor citizens will long survive.


Yes, its what we’ve argued all along - if they sink the ship, they’ll eventually go down with it.
They’re just the same old communist elites under another name, and will end up the same way - ruling from the top of a ruin, all that’s left of the giant sh#thole they created.