Government Killing Services Free of Charge

Canadians are body surfing down the slippery slope of assisted suicide to dystopia. In 2021, “Medical Aid in Dying” (MAiD) accounted for over 3 percent of deaths nationally, with some provinces’ rates topping 5 percent. Nonetheless, “free” government-run healthcare costs remain painfully expensive. One of the most obvious ways to cut costs is to reduce demand.
Children who undergo assisted-suicide should only do so if their natural death is “reasonably foreseeable”. [Foreseeable by whom? Themselves or the Accountancy Department?]
Envious of Canada’s devolution into a death cult, two recent developments evince how the American Left wants to import our neighbor to the north’s assisted-suicide policies and seek to erode existing American restrictions upon assisted suicide.
For one, “death tourism” is continuing to spread among the 50 states.
One of the 10 states allowing assisted suicide, Vermont, is poised to join Oregon in removing residency requirements for those seeking such “treatment.” As with the movement to have states legalize marijuana consumption and production, should Vermont become the east coast outpost for assisted suicide, it will not be long before other states drop their residency requirements or approve assisted-suicide laws.
As in Canada, U.S. proponents are seeking to expand among the states the permissible reason for assisted suicide—a terminal illness—to include mental disorders. [As diagnosed by whom?]
Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani has revealed the way she steers patients with eating disorders toward assisted suicide, despite that being illegal under Colorado’s assisted-suicide law. Once more, a self-anointed savior of the Left unilaterally deems the law to be subordinate to its ever-shifting desires and ideological tenets.


Ways to get rid of excess people: Covid vaccination side effects that maim and kill, Covid vaccination side effects that destroy fertility, illicit drug legalization, de-fund and handicap the police, release dangerous and violent criminals back into the public, keep borders open to terrorist and fentanyl, restrict Opiod medicine for intractable pain victims, depress the nation’s youth and destroy their future with recreational weed, shift undesirables to homelessness and let nature take its course, remove cheap and plentiful electricity and fuel.

Assisted suicide is one up on the plan, I must say, as it goes straight to the main point. And, since it will be legal, life insurance has to pay up, I guess.


Good list. To add to that list - encourage and allow children to “transition”, which increases their suicide rates (but only after the surgeons and drug companies have made a killing off of them).