Gavin Newsom, Cracked Dictator of California

Extracts from a Bruce Bawer article at FrontPage which is well worth reading in full:

In 2019, Newsom became governor, thanks in no small part to massive donations from the Gettys and Pritzkers and his role as “the darling of the upper class”. California was already on the skids, but Newsom accelerated the process. He pulled National Guard troops from the southern border, saying that “the border emergency is a manufactured crisis and California will not be part of this political theater”. He even had the state sue President Trump over his border emergency declaration, which according to Newsom was nothing but an expression of “division, xenophobia, racism”.

Instead of seriously dealing with California’s jobs and education crises, Newsom focused relentlessly on attacking Trump. A hundred days into his governorship, he bragged childishly that California was “the most un-Trump state".

Then the gender madness came along, and Newsom went all out, seeking to make California a beacon for the rest of the country when it came to the noble goal of pushing transgender ideology on toddlers.
He signed a bill, the Menstrual Equity Act, providing free tampons in both girls’ and boys’ bathrooms. He radically increased funding for Planned Parenthood’s attempts to push abortion on young people.

After George Floyd’s death, he supported the introduction of so-called “anti-racism” ideology into school curricula, supported changing the names of schools named after Washington and Jefferson, supported defunding the police, and supported slavery reparations for black Californians – even though slavery had never been legal in California.

He signed a bill that made punishments for child rape more lenient. Dishonestly, he accused Florida Governor Ron DeSantis of banning books and pushed the “Don’t Say Gay” lie. He even ran an ad in Florida telling residents of the Sunshine State that DeSantis was robbing them of their freedoms.
Traveling around the country, he promoted California as the go-to place for abortions. He even signed a bill making California a “sanctuary state” for children seeking transgender “treatment” – regardless of their parents’ wishes – and promoted Proposition 1, which would permit abortion right up to the point of delivery.

By the end of Newsom’s first term as governor, the streets of several California cities, especially San Francisco, were full of mentally ill homeless people and heroin and fentanyl users. Thanks to the “shoplifting epidemic,” even cheap items in drug stores were – and still are – kept behind lock and key. If you steal under $950 worth of stuff from a single merchant, you won’t be prosecuted – a law that has resulted in the mass closing of stores as well as of a major San Francisco shopping mall.

The state is plagued by high unemployment and high rents. As of early this year, California had a $73 billion deficit.

We should be very wary of a Newsom presidency. This is not a man whose intentions are the betterment of the country. This is a man whose intentions are the exaltation of himself and the furtherance of his own power. And, worst of all, his well-established pattern for seeking such exaltation and power is the advancement of extreme left-wing policies.

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Yes, Newsom is right up there next to Soros in the “Evil Leftists with Evil Intentions” Hall of Fame.
A total piece of excrement who has turned California into a giant hole full of that substance.

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I don’t think Newsom could be the communist dem’s Biden substitute, if only because he does not seem to be part of the Obama faction. He’s a natural but seasoned sociopath and would not be controllable by Obama. I think the same is probably true of Gretchen Whitmer. I’d keep my eye on Eric Holder. He recently had a sit down with Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC …

‘Trump is using fear’: Former AG Eric Holder on the power of Trump’s attack on the rule of law (

He’s about five years younger than Trump, very articulate, and all he needs is some hair dye to cover his gray. The dems are desperate to re-coral the black vote to above 90%. He will also be a heart throb to many liberal women of any color - high yellow or otherwise.

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Eric Holder a heart throb? Amazing!


What? I don’t see that as far-fetched. I’m not homo, but I see him as handsome and probably attractive to women and homo men. I think some kinds of voters could be swayed by an admittedly aged (still younger than Trump and far younger than Biden) but still vigorous candidate like Holder. I say I’d keep my eye on him.

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De gustibus non disputandum est. About taste there is no disputing.

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I agree, “heart throb” isn’t it. He reminds me more of a (quite unattractive) weasel.