Full Communism Now!

A Russian Communist, Saule Omarova, has been nominated by Joe Biden to be Comptroller of the Currency, head of the OCC which regulates and supervises all US national banks and federal savings associations as well as federal branches and agencies of foreign banks. It will be interesting to see how many Senate Democrats vote for or against confirming a Lenin Scholarship winner to regulate American banking.

Omarova believes the Soviet economic system was superior.

Because it was such a success?

She says that U.S. banking should be remade in the Gosbank’s image, and that asset prices, pay scales, capital and credit should be dictated by the federal government.

She proposes that the Federal Reserve take over everyone’s bank deposits, and so effectively end banking - and private wealth - as we know it. The government, under the guidance of academics, would become “the ultimate public platform for generating, modulating, and allocating financial resources in a modern economy”.

That is to say, your earnings will go to the government, and the government will decide how much pocket-money it will allow you out of what you worked for.

Omarova looks like a concentration camp guard in a totalitarian dictatorship.

This is surely the Biden administration’s most overt action to change from capitalism to communism.

The Road to Serfdom reaches its destination.


You’ve got to be kidding! What???
This is just unbelievable - not only that Biden, even as far left as we know he is - would want a full blown Communist in charge of our money, but that he would pick one who is so openly.
They really aren’t trying to hide it anymore. Hey, why not just get Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorn in there? They’re communist “professors”, too!


I also thought it must be some sort of joke when I first read it. Babylon bee, perhaps. And with that picture of her! But no. I’m stunned but have to say it’s true. Biden really has nominated a Soviet Communist to be comptroller of our currency.

Since most of the big banks supported Biden and his agenda, they’re perhaps getting the come-uppance they deserve. But the rest of us - or at least the half of the nation that did not vote for the senile old crook - do not deserve, did not ask, to be robbed and enslaved.

I too have wondered why Bill and Bernardine the terrorist profs. aren’t in his cabinet.


Sbe’s not an “idiot” - she’s advancing the agenda exactly how she’s been told to do. People think the leftists in charge are stupid or ignorant, but that’s absolutely not the case. They know exactly what they’re doing, and they are way, way ahead of us.


Yes, which just makes her, and all of them, evil stains on humanity.