I consider these to be important questions concerning the Ukraine-Russian War, but when an answer is given that satisfies my and others concerns is a question itself that will likely never be answered.
And…that is not good enough for us or for the US to encourage us to be willing to support this war, which to us is foolish. There are some questions that VDH does not post in his article, of which the biggest and most troubling is; Where is the accountability for the money and materiel?
I have a deep respect for VDH, and I believe others on this forum do to. I offer his article as a way of understanding many of my concerns about the U-R War.
Yes, alot of interesting questions.
One that I’ve been asking is, why is Biden’s corrupt, illegitimate Marxist/globalist regime that is so busy destroying democracy in the U.S, accusing patriots of being “a danger to democracy” and making political prisoners of them, so interested in protecting Ukraine’s “democracy”?
One example that might shed light on it is this recently reported fact - Lindsey Graham is pushing for the U.S. to send fighter jets made by Lockheed Martin to Ukraine.
Turns out Lockheed Martin is Graham’s chief donor.
Wonder how many other politicians have such connections to weapons manufacturers in the U.S., or to corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine, such as the Bidens, Kerrys, and Romneys with Burisma, etc?
How much do all these connections have to do with the dangerous escalation of this war?