Frank Gaffney's new site

Here for our nightmare inducer is Frank Gaffney’s newest offering. He has been tolling the “China is our biggest threat” bell for decades. So, if you want to know:


Yes, I’ve got this site marked.
Gaffney is really good on this.


Thanks I hadn’t come across this site.

This is the other side to the China question of course, what have they got in the non-conventional weapons category, according to this they have been testing a very unpredictable hypersonic missile that can come from any direction changing course en route.

“Rude Surprise For CIA – China Tests A Game-Changing Missile”


Yes, that’s the thing - even tho they may be on the verge of economic collapse, they are power hungry enough to attack us with something like that.


I thought they tested it some time ago. Everybody in the game is working on something like this. As far as I know, the bomb hasn’t been able to withstand the speed so that it can detonate at the sight. But that may be old news.


I haven’t really taken a great interest in weapons developments personally, you may well be right for all I know.

I am starting to take more interest in the relative military strengths and purposes of nations’ militaries tho, as I fear we are going to see more wars as part of the global conspiracy. One thing does appear to be certain - nuclear weapons are no longer acting as the deterrent they were previously for some reason (this fact alone makes me very suspicious about what might really be going on). Not so long ago we seemed to be entering an era of unprecedented peace, as it seemed to be widely agreed that a nuclear conflagration was in nobody’s interest.


Well…I am probably wrong and not up to date, Chauncey. It is not the old ways of war…and yet, that is exactly what Putin just did, and what China plans…the old ways of war, that is. Foot soldiers, bombing raids, tanks, ships, total destruction of the enemy’s cities and citizens.