Four Challenging Statements

  1. NATO was formed as a defense alliance against aggressive Communism. What is it for now?

  2. “Gender” - meaning the way individuals satisfy their sexual desires – is not a matter of public importance.

  3. Your race is much less interesting than the contents of your mind.

  4. There is nothing human beings can do to change the weather of the Earth.

Please comment.


NATO is there to remind us that what we need is an alliance against aggressive Communism.

I certainly don’t give a fig, as long as the activity is among adults and doesn’t inadvertently harm children and/or animals…and is legal by liberal standards.

Many people are not interesting, period.

Human beings used to be able to accept and adapt to the weather of the Earth. It is insulting that we now expect our Mother to adapt to our demands to control her weather. To live on the planet is to adapt or die.


How ironic that NATO was formed as a defense against aggressive Communism, but every member of it, especially the U.S., is now up to their necks in business with the world’s largest, and most aggressively Communist country, China.
That makes them worse than useless.
Gender, race and the climate of the Earth would be as unremarkable subjects as anything else in a sane world.
But the world is now insane, precisely because the Communists, whom we no longer guard against, permeate our society and have weaponized these subjects against us.


Excellent, Liz!