Fatal "Fun"

In the Connecticut town of Milford, a single cop in a police car watched as a four-mile line of cars, motorcycles, and all-terrain vehicles passed by. Some of the cyclists popped wheelies in front of the cop, while others crossed the median and drove on the wrong side of the road to taunt him. In nearby Tolland, residents were outraged when state police stood by and allowed participants in a street takeover to attack a couple in a car who tried to maneuver around the congestion—stomping on the vehicle and smashing it until they totaled the car. Across the country, in Compton, California, a street takeover turned violent when participants ransacked a gas station convenience store, stripping the shelves of thousands of dollars of merchandise while the store clerk hid in the bathroom. The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department said that it couldn’t intervene because the force was “currently limited with their staffed personnel” and were “outnumbered.” Gradually, the violence at these events has worsened. A 15-year-old boy was shot and killed at a street takeover in South Los Angeles in July.

Who does this? And why?

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As the article concluded, the “foolhardy” policy of defunding the police is the problem. It’s worse than foolish - it’s insanity.
Only the insane, total fools, or traitors would ever propose or accept such an absurdity - yet so many went along with it! It’s statistically impossible for there to be that many lunatics - which proves that our governments - both federal and state - were already “stuffed” with corrupt, leftist traitors ready to weaponize as many such insane policies as possible, counting on enough dumbed down, ignorant, brainwashed fools to accept it.

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