Ezekiel 23:20

New International Version
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

Why is this in the bible?

The chapter is a very badly conceived and badly written allegory about the sinfulness of the citizens of Samaria and Jerusalem. Ezekiel was plainly a prurient fellow with a pornographic imagination.

Why is the Book of Ezekiel in the bible? The selection of ancient scripts for the compilation of the bible was made after the return of the Israelites from the Babylonian Captivity, mainly by Ezra and Nehemiah. Why any particular script was chosen has probably been investigated or conjectured by scholars but I don’t know by whom or what they have suggested or concluded.

Is it really of any importance to you?


Thanks for your well written answer. I am totally impressed. THE bible to me is mainly a solar myth with a fair amount of phallic worship.