Excellent video on climate silliness

Only four minutes long but a powerful message nonetheless.

We didn’t start keeping temperature records until 1880 which just happens to be the coldest point in the last 10,000 years.



So its extremely good news that the earth has been warming.

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In real, pretended, or insane terror of the earth burning up, the global warming fanatics are wrecking the economies of the Western world. How can it ultimately profit them?

This is a clash between the luxury doom-mongering of an upper-middle class more concerned with its own self-importance than with the self-sufficiency of society, and the common sense of working people who understand that farming, food production, energy creation and transportation are essential to the survival of our species. Between an elite driven mad by visions of a climate-change apocalypse and ordinary people who still inhabit the reality-based world. Between Net Zero fanatics who want to wind back modernity and Net Zero [carbon emissions] sceptics who think modernity works pretty well, thank you.
It’s the latter road-blockers – the people using their HGVs, tractors and taxis to send a stern message to our eco-elites – that we should be cheering.
The ingratitude is staggering. Truckers are the lifeblood of a modern society. They transport the fuel, food and other goods that are essential to everyday life. They drive alone, for hours, in all weathers, to keep society well stocked. And how do the elites in Copenhagen repay these people who, without fuss or fanfare, bring them everything they need? By slapping them with a new kind of sin tax – the sin in this case being to drive a vehicle that the eco-minded consider to be ‘dirty’ and ‘polluting’.
No wonder the truckers are angry. Others are, too. Dutch farmers have been in a state of revolt for a couple of years now. They’re raging against their government’s plans to cut nitrogen emissions by half before 2030, which would entail farmers getting rid of vast numbers of their livestock and possibly lead to the closure of 3,000 farms.
The nitrogen-slashing policy was drawn up under pressure from the eco-oligarchs in the EU, who are heaping pressure on all member states to hurry toward Net Zero.
These uprisings throw into sharp relief the elitism of the climate-change ideology. They expose the class element in the green tyranny. It is increasingly clear that where the pursuit of Net Zero might benefit the elites, providing them with a sense of moral mission as they tackle the fantasy apocalypse of their own fever dreams, it is incredibly destructive for working-class communities. Our rulers’ fretful turn against industrial society threatens to decimate jobs in “dirty” industries and further raise the cost of energy and driving, leaving the hard-up even harder up.
It’s even more serious than a class war, though. The brewing tension between the elite and the people over carbon-cutting feels existential. It speaks to a modern establishment so infused with post-industrial prejudice, so indoctrinated by the religion of Net Zero, so corrupted by moral relativism, that it cannot even see how important production, farming, food are to everyday life. The cavalier assaults on farms, trucks and cars speak to an elite that has fully taken leave of the realm of reason.

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That’s a great video.
The whole lie is so easily debunked!
And yes, the elites have “taken leave of the realm of reason” and become useful idiots for those who are manipulating the whole thing behind the scenes to achieve their goal - not of saving the planet - but of seizing total power and control over the planet.
It’s inexcusable at this point, for these people - as ill-educated as they are - to be so stupid as not to see the obvious con-game being played.

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Very good news indeed.


You use the word stupid. I prefer evil.


Yes, since there’s no excuse for the stupidity of believing a hoax that’s been proven wrong over and over, and debunked for decades, it can only be evil.

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