Eunuchs and Robots

The fashionable vision of the human future seems to be of a transformed species; a world peopled by “transgendered” eunuchs and robots. Possibly of roboticized eunuchs. AI roboticized. New generations gestated in test tubes - raised by a world government? (No effort made by these visionaries to deal with the spread of Islam.)

Trans kids, writes Chu, “are busy taking charge of their own creation” — that is, themselves. The idea that we can “create” ourselves is popular among trans activists, including AI-addled transhumanists. But it’s also popular among ordinary liberals and unreligious, uncatechized modern people who generally like the idea that we all make ourselves into what we are.

That is from the article I link to. It is written by a Christian (or perhaps, in decent doubt, I should only say “a believer”), but the points he makes against the sexual mutilation of children are rational.

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Yes, we can agree with the religious about the “trans” issue because, as with many issues, the religious view lines up with reality.
Not because, as they think, “God” condemned it as a “sin” - in reality God condemned it (post facto, by those who invented him) because it goes against nature, and anyone with a brain could see it.
But it’s no surprise that lunacy like this would come out of the Marxist mental swill our elites and intellectuals are soaked in. Marxism itself goes against nature - specifically human nature - in every way. Man must be transformed from his natural state of self-reliant individual into a selfless cog in the “collective”, dependent on the all-powerful State.
What better way to create wards of the State, beyond the standard brainwashing, than to mutilate, castrate, sterilize, and make lunatics of them?

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Another brilliantly apt and insightful comment! You are the strength of this forum, Liz.

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Thank you!

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