Equity is Communist Tyranny

"EQUITY" in Leftspeak means absolute equality of all people under “Democratic” (read Communist) government: absolute equality in economic status regardless of merit, work, talent, risk, qualifications.

Only the governing nomenklatura can be wealthy. (Though what sort of functioning economy will sustain their wealth remains a mystery.)

What they have really succeeded in doing is infecting the American corporation and workplace with a consolidated leftist activist class to a degree that not even the wildest Communist conspirator could have imagined a few generations ago.

This is a crisis that is rapidly leading to the downfall of the United States. Woke corporations, from tech monopolies to finance platforms, are contriving to make the Constitution a dead letter. Elections are being rigged not only by nonprofits, but by vast amounts of private capital. The evolving new social credit system and totalitarian system is a public-private-radical alliance.
America’s institutions are being captured from the top down. And equity, like environmentalism, is one of the key forces responsible for politicizing what was once apolitical.
Equity is tyranny.

The “Biden” administration is trying to impose its equity agenda on the nation fast and hard.

Fortunately, the goal is impossible. But the effort to achieve it is extremely destructive.

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