“And he said and they was saying the count was low, it was really low and is there ah are all of the ballots counted? And so we got like there was a few more and we can get those
in the morning because there wasn’t that many. They said well count as many as you can – count all of them you know. So my daughter said Mommy, get on the scanner. But I didn’t scan so she said just do it so we could get on outta here. So that was when even nobody else was taking because there were no more work to be done so we said we can’t! And they said lucky – because nobody was here. And when they said that, BOOM under the table. Cut the zip ties to scan them so the number would go up, so that’s how the number was created, by the ballots going through the scanner. So when all of them were done, we got the final count and we put them back in the bucket and the boxes and the bucket and zip ties and put ‘em back under the table. So that’s the reason the ballots came from under the table and we re-opened them up.”
What a despicable, sorry joke our government has become. Fitting that it’s “led” by such a despicable, sorry joke of a man, who’s entire life has been a fraud.
If morons like that can’t even speak intelligible English, it could mean that any testimony they gave could not be used against them in a court of law. Maybe that is what earned her the award.
Yes, more than likely, Zerothruster! A good point.
Why are there no unremovable panels of supervisors keeping watch over such people when votes are counted?
Why aren’t the people who count vetted for literacy and numeracy, and under threat of formidable punishment for corruption?
Rhetorical questions. We know the answers.
Yes, and in the same way - why do we have to pass huge multibillion dollar bills in congress before we even know what’s in them??!!
Our entire system has become an insane joke.