Poor old Solzhenitsyn. His years of captivity and escape to the West served only to increase his Christian faith and belief in the dignity of suffering. Hence his reading of Putin in the interview with a German paper quoted in the linked article. Get your hanky out. Pure pathos:
““[Vladimir] Putin inherited a ransacked and bewildered country, with a poor and demoralized people…. And he started to do what was possible, a slow and gradual restoration. These efforts were not noticed, nor appreciated, immediately. In any case, one is hard-pressed to find examples in history when steps by one country to restore its strength were met favorably by other governments. Putin gives us hope and seeks to restore Russia’s Christian tradition. That I applaud.” [The Washington Post, August 5, 2008]”
I can understand why Christian conservatives might approve of this forgiving view of a KGB apparatchik. But not atheist conservatives. And not the Jewish or secular dissidents who escaped the gulag. Not the family survivors of those who didn’t. Not believers in America as the liberator of slaves to totalitarianism.
I do not understand why Putin apologists deny that they are Putin apologists. Why should being called an “apologist” - surely better than being called an “appeaser” - get their dander up? If not an “apology” for Putin’s actions, what is the repeated, dogmatic insistence that Putin believed he had no choice but to “get involved” (nice one!) in Ukraine because Nato expanded? As Putin “sympathy” or - better - “empathy”?
When Putin apologists deny that they are Putin apologists, while sympathetically embracing his anti-Westernism, I am reminded of the bipartisan American anti-semites who deny their anti-semitism while systematically comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, Jews to a fifth column, describing Jews’ insidious influence, seeing the alliance with Israel as an impediment to world peace, and who work to “balance” Israel’s nuclear bombs with Iranian ones. Anti-semites like Patrick Buchanan, Mearsheimer, Obama. I was not , therefore, surprised when I googled “Dr. Boyd Cathey” - the author of the link quoting the saintly Solzhenitsyn - and found my way to The Unz Review, where he promotes a good deal of literature written by himself revealing the nature of Jews and their sabotage of universal peace, the brotherhood of man, and their involvement of America in adventures abroad against its interests (you know, those “neocon” war-mongers).
As a Putin apologist, are you aware of the nature of some of the political fellow-travelers you quote? The Unz Review - for which your source in your link writes - is a filthy, low, disgusting antisemitic rag.