Do Most Americans Crave Tyranny?

Selected Extracts:
Hillsdale College’s Matthew Spalding wrote a persuasive and best-selling book called We Still Hold These Truths. He made the case that despite shockingly poor educational outcomes, at heart, Americans still believed in the founding principles. Indeed, most people still tell pollsters
they strongly believe in freedom, limited government, and personal responsibility. But do they?
Many of the “long train of abuses” that led to America’s rebellion from the British Crown are eerily similar to the excesses of America’s own government today. The Declaration of Independence listed grievances against King George III that are all too familiar. The authors accused him of refusing “his assent to laws necessary for the public good", of forbidding locals to pass laws “of immediate and pressing importance", even of dissolving local representative bodies.
How different is that from a Congress that cannot pass the most essential bills for annual appropriations and budgets? How different is it from today’s “supreme” federal system that routinely overrides local and state laws, especially by federal court orders and “constitutional” rulings based on premises that are not in the Constitution?
The Crown had “obstructed the administration of justice” by controlling judges’ tenure and salaries. Today’s government does so by empowering judges to usurp legislative powers by making up new laws rather than interpreting laws passed by the people’s representatives. It is a more modern technique, but with the same anti-democratic result.
King George III had “erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance". By 2020, the federal government had more than four million employees, at a cost approaching $5 trillion a year. The King “combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution" much as our modern leaders compromise America’s sovereignty to institutions like the U.N., international courts, the World Health Organization, and foreign trade commissions.
The founders said government should protect private property, but today’s Supreme Court lets government take private property and sell it to developers, destroy the value of land by denying the right to use it, and forces landowners to give up their land for endangered species habitat, parks, trails, and “open space". The first “inalienable [unalienable - ed] right” in the Declaration was the right to life, but today’s courts prohibit states from protecting it. If Americans still believe “all men are created equal,” how can they justify racial preferences in school admissions, government contracts, or congressional reapportionment? Freedom of speech is central to the Bill of Rights, but it is under attack by politically correct thought police all across America, especially at government-financed educational institutions.
“The policy of the federal government,” wrote President Jefferson, “is to leave her citizens free, neither aiding nor restraining them in their pursuits.” Today, Americans face restrictions on how to plan their own retirements, design their own health insurance, or even devise their own children’s education. The endless intrusion reaches into every facet of their lives, from where they can hike in the woods to how their hamburgers must be cooked. Both parties instinctively look to government as the first answer to all problems. Even many Republicans propose solving issues like illegal immigration by hiring thousands more federal employees.
There is one crucial difference: Unlike their colonial ancestors, contemporary Americans voluntarily agreed to all these usurpations with their votes. Voters have been warned frequently to be alert to threats against their freedom, but have often shirked that most essential duty of citizenship.
Americans have two clear choices: Do they really want to declare the America of their founders dead, and accept the mediocre socialism it has devolved into? Or, will they withdraw the “consent of the governed” and revive the American experiment that made them the freest people on earth and the envy of the world?
[The] tradition of passing down the principles of American greatness has become dislodged.
People cannot pass along memories they don’t have, and neither can a nation. The failure to educate future generations guarantees a loss of national memory and, thus, national character. Sadly, this is happening—on purpose—as people increasingly look to government for solutions to every problem, and decline to teach history, values, principles, and civics to their children. Is the entire American system of self-government slowly and painfully committing suicide?
American history is a spellbinding tale of how ordinary people from all their diverse backgrounds have worked and fought together to throw off the chains of the past, and to forge a better and freer future. It is about how they continually come together, as the Constitution says, “to form a more perfect union". But that spirit, which made America a beacon of freedom and prosperity, is in sharp decline. And that puts America’s future in jeopardy.

[Note: By “unalienable” was meant “unsellable”. Something cannot be “insellable”, so “inalienable” is wrong. In the intended meaning of the word as used in the Declaration of Independence, the “right” to life, to liberty, to the pursuit of happiness, was in each case unalienable in that it was not a property that, like most property, could be sold; it belonged to the individual as indispensably as (say) his brain for as long as he existed.]

Comment: Broadly speaking, I think the writer makes a convincing case that America is in decline.

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The biggest story of the day revolves around Elon Musk’s decision to open the window and reveal Twitter’s active role in stage managing the 2020 election on behalf of Joe Biden and very much to the detriment of Donald Trump. Over the past week, extensive Twitter threads posted by Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and others have revealed that the company was essentially part of a coordinated Democratic oppo-research and suppression operation and, moreover, one that was actively collaborating—or, to use the preferred term, “colluding”—with the FBI to destroy Donald Trump and assure Joe Biden’s election.
In any sane world, these revelations would have the public up in arms, literally. They would be marching against the media, the FBI, and the current administration. The anger would be acrid and ubiquitous.
That’s in any sane world. In our world, alas, you can hear the carpet being pulled back so that the whole dirty mess can be swept underneath it. Where’s the outrage? Nowhere to be found.

Q: So must we conclude that most Americans do not give a damn that the government and its agencies, as well as the media, are corrupt?
A: Yes.

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Problematic for the Republicans are the large voting blocs they are losing by ever larger numbers: 18-to 29-year-old voters, in which the proportion of college students is rising. In November, unmarried women voted 70 percent for the Democrats, and in Pennsylvania they helped significantly in electing the brain-injured radical John Fetterman. More than 70 percent of college students voted, and 63 percent of them broke for the Democrats. Although the Republicans have made modest inroads among black voters and while the Hispanic vote has increased for the GOP by 10 points since 2018, they are losing badly key constituencies. These blocs are mostly on the woke Left and not likely to be won over by appeals to “conservative values.”
Further, there is no indication that the electorate cares about Democratic scandals and failures. Republican attempts to call attention to such issues or to the damaged brain of our new Pennsylvania senator or to Joe Biden’s obvious decrepitude fall on deaf ears with these voters. Unrestricted abortion rights count for them far more than broken borders or the venality of the Biden family.

Comment: And where the Republicans do manage to gain power, they don’t seem to know what to do with it.

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But you see, Jillian, that it is not all Americans. It is never all Americans, therefore, it is not all of America that is in decline or doomed to certain death.

Watching an old movie the other night, wherein the heroine makes the point that an advanced civilization that nearly killed itself, instead at the final moment drew itself up and changed radically, thereby saving itself. She argued that humanity had not yet reached that point, but when it drew nigh, should be allowed to make the radical changes needed to save itself…and that it would when reason grabbed the collective by the throat and the intelligent species that it was, would act accordingly.

Americans are acting, not all…not enough, but there is change. Half the nation will chose to not go over the cliff, and I believe…yes, believe…that the action and words of the half will save America.

The question has always remained; how far will the other half be pushed before they slam on their brakes, too. This is a time for holding the line, for moral bravery to refuse to comply.

What do half the people see and read and how could they imagine that their own government is pushing them over the cliff to their doom? Well…that information is starting to change. Those, who at the end prefer to live in America, will live there, and those, who do not, will take whatever is offered.

Isn’t that near to what our Constitution reads? Isn’t that why refugees leave their homelands? Isn’t that why we broke from England?

There are Conservatives that have gained power, and they are doing something with it, as seen in states with conservative governors, in county government with conservative commissions and school boards. Let us see what their slim majority will do in the House, as they have been promoting their plans to the public via talk-radio and conservative sites and magazines.

Do not give up hope, when the battle has only just been joined.

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Yes, America is in decline. But…it doesn’t have to go all the way to the bottom to the death, never to be revived.

Remember…these people also write to sell their articles. Facts may be presented, but they do not represent the soul of America in half the people that live contrary to those particular facts.

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“70 percent of college students voted, and 63 percent of them voted for democrats.”
That’s a good snapshot of how well the indoctrination and brainwashing is working.
Hopefully alot of them will change their views as they age, but by then it may be too late.
That doesn’t mean we should give up the fight, but it does appear that we’ve reached a point where the odds are overwhelmingly against us.
The left, in collaboration with foreign operatives such as the CCP, has succeeded in infiltrating, corrupting, and sabotaging our institutions over the long “march”. Now that they’ve gained control, they’ve opened the floodgates on every front, using their illegitimately won authority to crush all opposition to their agenda.
The good guys always win in the movies, but in real life, despotisms tend to last for at least a century or so…

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As always, Jeanne, I appreciate your heroic optimism.

Who could have foretold that just when humankind reached extremely advanced scientific knowledge with concomitant technological skill it would revert to an animal primitivism of sex and herd more extreme than at any stage in known history?

How will it be enough, even if most Americans return to demanding government according to the principles and forms of the Framers’ Constitutional Republic, to be securely saved from tyranny, as long as the ideology of tyranny - whatever name it wears - continues to mesmerize the rest?

How to defeat that ideology - at present calling itself “wokeism” - which is inspiring and energizing vast numbers all over the world, is the problem that needs to be solved. And no one on the political horizon is even attempting to solve it.

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The thing is, no one knows the future.

In 1939, if you were a democratically-minded person, you could well believe it was ‘midnight in the century’, to steal a phrase.

Stalin had consolidated his rule over a sixth of the earth. Hitler was about to consolidate his rule over Europe. The Fascists were about to win in Spain. In the colonies, much of the anti-colonial movement had been captured by followers of Stalin.

Even in the USA, the Communist Party had come to the head of 11 national unions, 1/3 of the CIO (the industrial, as opposed to craft, union movement). A small but significant number of liberals, including those in some high places, saw the Soviet Union as the only hope against fascism, and became its espionage agents. The CP had on the order of 100 000 hard-core members (in a nation half the size of the US today), and probably another million ‘fellow travellers’/sympathyzers, including in Hollywood. When the US entered the war, six months after the USSR had been invaded, the CP’s respectability grew even greater.

Six years later, things were different. Nazi-ism was dead. Japanese militarism had been utterly defeated. True, in Eastern Europe, and soon in Asia, the Stalinists had triumphed.

But in the US, things changed pretty rapidly. By the early 50’s. the Communists were in full retreat.

Who could have predicted this? The accidents of the personalities of Hitler and Churchill (the formera reckless gambler, the latter a staunch anti-Nazi) played a huge role.
The isolationism of the Republican Party was shattered by the Japanese decision to attack us – goaded into ‘firing the first shot’, as the Roosevelt administration wanted. But it could have been different.

No one knows the future.

The problem with people who post on the web is that we are intensely political. We read a lot, we know what’s happening, we react. But most people are not like this. They can be moved by events that affect their lives, but not so much by our efforts to sway their views.

These events will come.

We must be ready for them. What we need is a broad-based national network, loosely organized, of local groups … which themselves should NOT be ‘membership organizations’ (for several reasons).

They shouldn’t even be overtly political.

Go here for a look at people who, I think, have got it right:

They’re former Oathkeepers who didn’t fall into the 6 January trap, and who understand how to gather together a lot of people and get them doing the sort of things we want them to do.

You won’t see these people talking about ‘executing traitors’, or posing for pictures wearing camo and carrying their AR15s. But they are very active, and well organized, and prepared.

That’s what we need all over the country.

One thought: what is the most successful movement of our enemies? One you hear about all the time, which seems to be very widespread, which carries out frequent attacks against patriots, and yet which resists prosecution for its violence because “It’s not an organization”, as its apologists repeatedly say?

Yes, you guessed it. AntiFa.

Learn from the enemy.


Please watch this video. It demonstrates how hard the battle will be, if it is even engaged:

The last 15 minutes or so are intended to give hope - but which side is actually winning?


“By the early 50’s, the Communists were in full retreat.” Yes, but only temporarily.
They continued to eat away at our foundations like termites throughout the following decades, and have reached the goal of our full collapse.

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There is often a critical battle that turns the tide… You are right, don’t give up the fight. Is it worth fighting for the half that would remain Americans?

Would you agree that Americans in America are different than other citizens when it comes to defending the honor of their nation? Am I naive? If so, then perhaps those who keep on keeping on are all naive.

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You have not noticed the push-back against wokeism all over the world? In the US, the push-back comes at all levels of government. Have you not heard of that?

Do you think that as economies continue to crumble and they push people into third-world living the push-back will become more…or fade to less strong?

Moderator at work: :grimacing:

In reply to Jillian’s video post: Yup. All this is well known by many people, who will stand. To do otherwise simply is not what Americans do. When? Look to Doug’s post.

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Yes. Good post, Doug.

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Thank you for the kind compliment. I’m just saying what a lot of people already know. (But I’m a compulsive political organizer type who has had a 40-year holiday and now I want to get back into the fight. On the other side from where I was then, of course.)

We cannot control events. Some of them will be favorable to us, some unfavorable. What we CAN do, is to be ready to respond to those favorable events, and develop them further. And we can educate our people so that they are less vulnerable to the nasty tricks of the enemy, such as putting provocateurs into our ranks who play on the ever-present macho-ness of some of our people, and goad them into doing something that can get them arrested.)

A good episode from military history – WWII – is the ‘Bridge at Remagen’ (a movie by this name was made about it): the Allies were pushing the Germans back, and they were going to make the Rhine river a defensive point. An ‘opposed crossing’ of a river – where people on the other side are shooting at you – is very tricky, and bound to result in a lot of casualties. Naturally, the Germans were blowing the bridges over the Rhine as they crossed them. But at the village of Remagen, their explosives misfired. (One of the unpredictable events of history.)

Now, Remagen was not a major American target for their advance. The commanding general of the Americans in the area could have just continued on, following the plan he was given … and the Germans would have quickly finished the job. He didn’t. He immediately threw the plans out the window, and aimed all his forces at Remagen, going hell for leather to capture the bridge before the Germans could get more explosives and finish the job. And he did.

This was not an obvious decision. When you’re moving tens of thousands of men across new terrain, you’ve got a huge logistics problem … they’ve got to eat, get resupplied with ammo, the wounded evacuated … and this has been worked out in advance. ‘20 Tons of supplies to be moved from A to B on this date, which means so many trucks and so many gallons of gasoline much be at point A by that date’ etc. An abrupt change of plans is very disruptive. But it was the right thing to do.

We have to be ready for ‘Bridge at Remagen’ moments,so we can take advantage of mishaps that befall the enemy. For that we need a loosely organized national network of patriots. For many reasons, I suspect we will have to start from the bottom up.

Right now, we can also do things on the internet. When Tulsi Gabbard quits the Democrats, that should be splashed all over wherever we can. When Elon Musk exposes FBI/Twitter collaboration to suppress the truth about the Bidens, that should be publicized on ever possible internet forum (not just official forums, but on the comment sections of online newspapers, of which there are hundreds).

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Yes, what makes one a true American is knowing it’s worth defending, and why. That doesn’t make us naive, except in the trust we’ve placed for too long in a corrupt government.
But that’s changing, as the truth continues to be exposed, in spite of all their efforts to suppress it.

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The documentary gives a good overview of it.
We’re already living in a global version of 1984.
Its been building up to this for decades - they started pushing the “climate change” hoax back in the 70’s. I assume they had the goal of global control in mind from its inception.
That’s why, no matter how many times it was debunked, and no matter how many people saw it for what it is - a total scam - they just kept on pushing it - because it’s their vehicle to gain total control and power.
The racial equity/social justice scams serve the same purpose. Vast numbers of people have already, and will soon, die because of their evil schemes, all cloaked in lofty platitudes, to destroy every system that has worked to bring prosperity and security to the world.

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