"Destroy Democracy To Save It"

Nicholas Giordano, professor of political science at Suffolk Community College (Stanford, California) says it’s typical Democrat logic: " ‘In order to save the Republic, in order to save democracy, we must destroy it — we must get rid of the filibuster; we must change the way the Senate operates; we have to change the way elections are held and federalize those elections; we have to add justices to the Supreme Court; we have to disqualify hundreds of Republicans from running for office.’ "

He also criticized Republican silence on the issue, which he described as “really frightening".

"They want to import the war on terror — the tools that we use in the war on terror — to be used against American citizens. They keep on talking about these organizations that are such a threat to democracy. Well then put out their names. What are they capable of? Why are they such a threat? Explain it to us.
But they haven’t done it. Instead, they use vague terminology. They use these vague threats and they want to make it as open-ended as possible because that’s what allows them to target their political opponents.”


He is right.

Here’s the proof:


Frightening is right. The idea that “we must destroy democracy to save it” - that’s absurd, and a lie.
It’s also predictable coming from the left, who’s ideology is all about destroying everything in order to supposedly give “power to the people”, which in reality means power to the elites to whom “the people” are nothing more than useful idiots.
The result of that will be the farthest thing from democracy imaginable.