Despise, Humiliate, Mock, Insult, Subjugate, Eliminate White People

… and curse them, whether they’re alive or dead, in obscene terms.

That is their just deserts.

(Warning: This post contains sarcasm.)

White people have done nothing good for the human race. They have invented nothing, created nothing, built nothing, discovered nothing, achieved nothing, done nothing that has been of any benefit to humankind.


White people from Europe are responsible for Western Civilization, so if “Western Civ Must Go” then a genocidal war against all white people makes sense. When did that chant become popular? And, aren’t many of those chanting hoodlums a large part of our government now?

They should have been wiped out in the rotten cradle of the universities when the chance was had. But, no…things just had to evolve to the point where we find ourselves today; in a fight for our lives and rights and liberties…in a fight to save America.

But, that is the way of empires and republics, is it not? Don’t the historians always tell us so?

This is just another part of The War On The West, of which Douglas Murray recently wrote a book, if you want to add it to your library.

Our only recourse is to vote and hope that vote is well-counted and well-guarded. And, then expect change…no, demand change.

The good thing is that the percentage of the population that thinks this way is small, although it seems and sounds as if it is tremendous. On the street, in the stores and bars and fast food joints, and churches, and any waiting place where talk is free flowing among adults this despicable notion is not favorable at all. In fact, it is despised. And, in these places, if there is any racism to be found, it has long been buried beneath a desire to live in civility with others, so long that it barely exists anymore.

As grandparents care for mixed race grandchildren and young children don’t even notice skin color, and parents accept with love their children’s chosen mate of different color or ethnicity, and manners allow for all to deal kindly with each other…these bizarre notions simply don’t exist. The real world is what we might call normal.


That’s very encouraging. Thanks, Jeanne.


Great post at TAC, thanks for noting it here!
(I noticed comments are already closed on that one and the last one?)
This is so revealing of how the Left, being despicable people, appeal to the most base, despicable impulses of humanity to push their “cause”.
They appeal to self-pity, hatred, envy, malice, the desire to find fault, get revenge, torture and murder.
Such as (ironically) the “professor” who wrote about the “psychosis” of white people, expressing the psychotic desire to shoot them in the head!
They have already achieved an authoritarian dictatorship - genocide is probably not far off in their future plans.


Thanks so much for understanding me so well, Liz!

I cannot understand why comments are closed.

I was wondering why I had seen no comment of yours. I always look forward to them.

I will see what I can do to put that right. We must be open for comments.


I have now re-opened the comments for both the latest posts on the website.

I don’t know how they ever got closed.

Please do comment!

Thank you so much for letting me know about the problem. Please do so again if it happens again!


The “logic” of the Left:

To be an ANTI-RACIST you have to be ANTI-WHITE:


Disgusting. But I’m sure that’s exactly why they hired her! It’s a job requirement now.


May I make a general observation? Is it mostly black women, who spout this sort of filth? Have they moved up the chain of command so far that they believe they are in charge, with unlimited power over the rest of us?

What does it mean to defund the police? Deaths, mayhem, rioting, rapes, beatings, robberies, property destruction, ruining of cities. Is she that obtuse?

Any race can be racist against any other race, or all of them. How …no, I know how she got a degree.


There are white women who spout the same nonsense, but the Left prefers to promote Blacks. I’ve noticed it too. I guess it is because Blacks generally are granted the higher position on the victim scale.
So our Democrat tyrants are determined to appoint Blacks to as many of the top military positions as they can.

Also high on the scale, Transgenders. Preferably Black, but which way the switch is made between the (two!?) “genders” is not considered. (Too much of a strain on their little grey virtue cells for them to work that out.)


Yes, I meant as opposed to being mainly black men.

That it is okay in “polite” society to demean white people, to condemn them, to TARGET them for annihilation…is dumbfounding. Especially since white people cannot do the same to black people is this hard to get my head around.

I know there are whites that are racists or maybe just clueless that the word, “nigger” is offensive to blacks…I mean it is used so much by blacks to describe themselves. Among school kids it is used a lot, and is still offensive to black and mixed kids. But are they full of hate for black skinned people? I don’t think they are. Do they wish to annihilate all black people? I don’t think so.

Black kids certainly are given free rein to use derogatory terms for everybody, including their own fellows.

Maybe white people have been too nice, too polite, too aware of offending black people. Maybe we shouldn’t be anymore. Maybe these race-mongers that want a fight, maybe they should get it.

NO, NO, NO, NO! That is my inner pissed-off self. THAT IS what they want. We give them what they want and THEY WIN!

In our local middle school (4 thru 8, although 4 & 5 are sort of separated) there has been a fight every single day this year, and a big one this week so my DIL, a teacher there, tells us. She is seriously considering sending their second grader to a private school when she hits 4th grade. In fact, everybody on the farm with kids and a close friend is considering home schooling or somehow managing private school. And, it is about race wars or black on black wars in the schools…or clique versus the individual humiliating that goes on.

One of the things that Virgil ran on was returning discipline to the schools. Hopefully, a new cast on the school board will address this.

Where does it come from? From women, such as, the above spouting filth and promoting race hatred…from the lies being spread that America is a systemically racist country and it is all the fault of whites throughout history.


I appreciate all your say here, Jeanne. Observations from experience.

The Democrats have brought racism back to America with at least as much obsessive insistence as ever before in their intensely racist history.


It is all part of the plan started under Barrack Obama to set about the decline of America, to “fundamentally transform” America. I remember hearing that statement, and replying out loud to the radio, "I don’t want America fundamentally transformed!

I wonder how many people actually understood that term. Fundamentally transformed.

Just for the heck of it…from my computer’s dictionary: fundamental principles: basic, underlying, core, foundational, rudimentary, elemental, elementary, basal, root; primary, prime, cardinal, first, principal, chief, key, central, vital, essential, important, indispensable, necessary, crucial, pivotal, critical; structural, organic, constitutional, inherent, intrinsic. ANTONYMS secondary, unimportant.

And…change, alter, convert, metamorphose, transfigure, transmute, mutate; revolutionize, overhaul; remodel, reshape, redo, reconstruct, rebuild, reorganize, rearrange, rework, renew, revamp, remake, retool; informal transmogrify, morph.

They told us what they were going to do to our country! And…“we” have let them.

If this election doesn’t pan out and the Republicans do not take dramatic action, they are done. If Trump does not win the presidency under a new party, America is done.

Then there is no way that we avoid civil war…wars of secession. Unless, we get involved in a third world war. Even then, would every state send their children to fight in such a war of Biden’s making, and if they refused, what would happen then? And, what country would we be fighting to save? Biden’s America or Trump’s America?

Oh gawd, I am full of it today… Just angry, I think.


Righteously angry. And RIGHT!


I think the intention to set about the decline of America started way before Obama, to whenever communists first started infiltrating our government and institutions. Wilson, FDR, at least, and downhill from there. It reached “critical mass” with Obama, though. And with Biden, they’ve got it nearly sewed up.
You’re right - a race war, or at least racial conflict, is what they want - divide and conquer.
And to intimidate whites into submission to whatever they dictate through the demands of their black “victim class”.


Of course it began much earlier. They have just been telling us about it recently.


Yes, but they only got the power to do it with the election of Obama.