Yes, I do. Do you think the primitive peoples just stumbled over the design and never improved upon it? Do you think such design did not contribute to other more advanced thinking? Humans build on the designs of those that invented before them.
Think about this:
A boomerang is an example of gyroscopic precession. The boomerang throw gives it angular momentum. This angular momentum is caused to precess by the fact that the top edge is traveling faster with respect to the air and gets more lift.
Hmmm…what modern application might that have influenced?
The poison used in blowguns on the darts was an important addition, and the darts themselves were improved from the initial “pea.” How long should the tube be to effect the best range?
You don’t see these simple inventions as important to later developments?
And, yes, many modern medicines developed because of a search for the results of natural medicines in modern chemistry to make it more available and at a lower cost.
How long must one live to consider that a happy and successful life has been had? Bushmen have not moved into modernity at all, and would they have done better if we hadn’t either?
Oh no, Jillian, the discussion is about your statement that “some “skin colors” have not achieved anything significant, have made no contribution to the human race.”
It was not about time periods, but about “skin colors” of people not making any contribution to humanity. You implied that those contributions were made by European light-skinned people before and only by other peoples since “European explorers found them.”
It has always amazed me that American Indians did not invent the wheel, but does that mean their “significant” contributions were unworthy and insignificant?
Would modern humans have invented the rocket ship without the simpler inventions and significant contributions of those before, most of whom were dark skinned and not European?
Perhaps current primitive peoples do not want to do more than live without abandoning their traditional ways, and have no desire to fly rockets to the moon, only to hunt with their aerodynamic and specifically crafted weapons.
I guess it was the word “outrageous” that charged you up so much, but it seemed to me to be Eurocentric thinking at the moment.