Democrats Help China, America's Chief Communist Enemy

Are powerful US “Democrats” Best Friends with Communist China?


It’s shocking to watch the Democrat majority in Michigan hand over hundreds of millions in tax dollars from struggling Michigan families to multinational corporations that pledge allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party in their corporate documents.

Given the bipartisan opposition to spending taxpayer money to subsidize CCP-linked companies, one might be tempted to chalk this up to a case of imbecilic political hacks cutting off their nose to spite their face and hoping no one notices. These useful elected idiots are spending taxpayer dollars to buy the CCP the razor that barbaric regime will use to cut our throat. That this is happening in Michigan could well constitute a final—suicidal—indignity to the arsenal of Democracy.

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They’re not just useful idiots - they are making lots of money off the arrangement, just like so many of our other politicians, including Republicans.
The CCP has “captured” them by buying them off.
Biden is, of course, the prime example of this - a completely corrupt sellout to our enemies, protected by all the rest who are just as corrupt as he is. Prostitution - the worlds oldest profession!

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