Cruelty to Children - a Leftist Ideal

The spectacle of America’s cultural elite uniting to defend the propriety of child porn in school libraries, insisting that a gender ideology they had not even heard about until seven years ago must be taught to seven-year-olds, and a presidential administration publicly celebrating the breast amputation, genital mutilation, and sterilization of autistic children, should be utterly appalling to anyone with a shred of human decency.

That’s an understatement!
And the word the writer suggests we use to describe these criminal child-torturing perverts –“groomers” - is far too mild.


Yes, any person with a shred of decency should be outraged. The left has no decency.
This writer mentions the influence of Focault and others - yes, they have absorbed his perverted, evil influence.
And yes, “groomer” is too nice a term - like the Supreme Court nominee, they are advocating for child rape and torture.