Copulating with Corpses: The Taliban Exposed


Disgusting. But no disgusting thing is a surprise with these barbaric scum. It perfectly illustrates their complete lack of humanity.
And can someone explain to me how, in their twisted few brain cells, gays are the devil, but pedophilia with young boys is completely acceptable?


A guess; because, gay men don’t procreate. Boys can’t yet. Mohammed needs more disciples to be martyrs. Still…spilled seed on barren ground is still spilled seed.


I don’t put anything cruel or disgusting beyond the Taliban, but I wonder if this is true. One woman’s statement? When I was in the Middle East, I was told bloodcurdling stories of what this or that faction did. Most of them really did do horrible things routinely, it is true. But some of the stories were only stories, emerging from terrifying imaginations. Of course they could make real what a moment before was only imagined. So this allegation is possible, but - is necrophilia likely to be common among the Taliban? After all, they can rape any women they choose at any time. Or any boys. Not many in any population have a taste for sexual intercourse with the dead.


Yes, you wouldn’t think so. But as barbaric as they are, it wouldn’t surprise me.


The act is also another insult to the person that “deserved” death and an insult that the perp knows will offend the family of the dead. Unthinkable, but so are many barbarous acts.