Convincing the Unconvinced

Between now and November, we’ve got to focus on winning the election. This means convincing people who normally vote Republican, or who would vote Republican now, but who have doubts about Mr Trump. Here is an essay that answers those doubts. It’s brilliant (in my opinion) and might just convince a few people. Please read it, and comment (favorably or not), and if you think it might help, please post it everywhere you can.

Fear, Courage, and the Fourth of July.

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Doug, the author takes “the lesser of two evils” line. He allows Trump to be quite a lot less evil than the Dems, but still not good enough to satisfy him completely. (As I don’t know the author’s sex, I use the generic “he”.)

While it is nice that Twilight Patriot is urging voters to choose Trump, the Trump in his head is a very different man from the one who rose wounded but defiant after being shot by a would-be assassin two days ago on Saturday July 13. The real Trump, the Trump that achieved much in his one term against fierce opposition, has endured years of persecution and frustration, two impeachments, “lawfare”, calumny without end - and now attempted murder. He has not moaned about it, he has not wilted, he has not given up, he has not lost his sense of humor, he has not become mean, petty, cruel as his persecutors are. Does that demonstrate the emotional vulnerability of a ten-year-old? Apparently Twilight Patriot thinks so!

I have written this to explain why I will not disseminate the article. I could criticize much more that is in it, but the one example I have chosen sufficiently makes my case.


Well, we have very different world views.

Neither Trump nor Biden is remotely qualified to be President – both are symptoms of the steep spiral into decline of America – , but we have to go to war with the army, and its generals, we’ve got.

Please describe the president you would regard as “qualified”. What characteristics? What policies?

Is there an actual person who, in your judgment, would make the ideal president of the USA at this time?

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Just off the top of my head, I would go for JD Vance or Dan Crenshaw. But there are only two choices at the moment, one of them a man who is pro-American, the other someone who is objectively anti-American (and in effect anti-Western Civilization).

The man who doesn’t want mass Third World immigration into the US, or the person who does. The man who doesn’t want children taught that ‘gender is a choice’, or the one who does [ In Schools — Billboard Chris ] . The man who doesn’t want children to attend ‘Pride’ parades where naked men exhibit themselves [ ], or the one who is fine with that.

The man who wants Americans to be proud of their country and its history of progress, or the one who wants them to feel guilty and ashamed about it. [ Yes, Critical Race Theory Is Being Taught in Schools | City Journal ]

So it’s no choice. Life is often like that. We ‘chose’ to make Stalin a co-victor in WWII, instead of Hitler. It wasn’t really a choice. Nor is it now, but we have to convince some people of that.

To you and me it seem obvious, but the last poll I saw reported that over 60% of Americans were ‘double-haters’ – not approving of either candidate. (That was before Cackling Kamela, but I doubt she’ll improve the Left’s chances dramatically.) [ Trump Leads Presidential Race as Voters Doubt Biden's Mental Sharpness | Pew Research Center ]

So we need to try to move the needle, and not get seduced into complacency by favorable polls (which Hillary also had in 2016). [I don’t think the polls are controlled by the Enemy, but if they were, the controllers might decide to show Trump significantly ahead in key states, to encourage us to get lazy and stay home.]

Now, you may argue that no one who would read anything you post is undecided, and so it would be a waste of time to post it, on the generally sound principle of economy of effort. To that I would say, it would take a few minutes, and you never know. And note that that general argument --" my effort won’t do anything decisive, so why bother" – is also an argument against voting. But if you’re going to vote, you ought to want to try to persuade others to vote as you do.

And, Jill, – you’re an intellectual leader of a community of thoughtful people, just the kind of group who might contain the sort of people this essay is aiming at. And a not-obscure author of a significant book (which is especially relevant right now)… Don’t underestimate your potential influence.

As I see it, you don’t want to re-post this essay because it mentions that tha author is somewhat sympathetic to people who are critical of Trump, and lists some criticisms of the man with which he agrees, (along with about 2/3 of Americans). But having acknowledged that, he gives – in my opinion anyway – he gives a cogent argument for voting for Trump.

You don’t like to read those criticisms. But they’re an effective way to convince certain people who are wavering. Telling them that Trump is just such a wonderful, brave man won’t do it. We have to do what works.

However, if you really can’t bring yourself to post the essay I linked to, then what about this one?:

We mustn’t be passive. It’s wonderful to have forums where we talk to each other – they’re actually a political weapon against the Left, because they allow us to educate each other, and they increase our morale.

But we should also go out and try to reach people who are not yet convinced. To borrow a concept from our Christian friends, we must not only Witness, but Proselytize. We must be doers of the word, and not talkers only. The Web has given ordinary people a way to break the monopoly of the lying mainstream media, and we should take advantage of it. Trump would want us to do that.

As for what qualities would I want in an ideal President … that’s a very interesting question and deserves a thread of its own.

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Thank you for your reply, Doug. I like much of what you say. You set out those choices elegantly and accurately.

My ego is grateful for the appreciative words you have given it.

Writers and readers of this forum are debaters, arguers, exchangers of views; analyzers; providers of information; sometimes - if only rarely - innovators of ideas. Some of us may also be, outside the forum, activists, proselytizers, persuaders, recruiters. So nothing is wrong with trying to persuade some of us to be persuaders and recruiting some of us to become activists.

My admiration for Trump is not only or chiefly because of his bravery. I enormously like his policies, his competence, his political savvy. And I greatly enjoy is humor. The new essay you give us the link to confirms that he treats everyone he meets with personal respect. Respecting the Individual is a habit which trounces socialism, and as a political principle is a dire threat to over-powerful government. At the same time, his criticisms - short sharp and true - can be devastating.

To spread knowledge of his policies is a job worth doing. But I think it is counter-productive to pollute the information with a smearing of his character. It’s foolish to say, as so many journalists who vote for him do, that he is “flawed”. Every human being is flawed. The flaws they point out - if they bother to give an example - are irrelevant to his aims and achievements. (I remember how often opponents of Mrs. Thatcher used to justify their dislike of her by criticizing her hair!)

I wish you success with your persuading and recruiting.

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