This is a 3 week old video, but Lauren Southern has a good point about how Conservatives needs to focus on the bigger picture of things and stop being surprised and outraged by the Leftist logic of “men can get pregnant” (there are those on the Left that are using this to get Conservatives outraged and lose focus on the objective of how to combat the Left).
I agree. Anyway, he’s very pretty. Gorgeous wig!
Another reminder to not take the bait of Leftists logic, not even China and Russia follow it and they are going to emerge victorious if the West continues to kill itself with wokeness.
Well I’m glad he’s noticed, but he’s a little late to the party.
What I find extremely frustrating is that even when people recognize these things as “decadent”, they still don’t make the connection that this all originated as Communist propaganda.
Meanwhile our Communist enemies, who came up with this crap to begin with as a way to undermine us from within, (and, knowing it’s effects, do not allow it in their own Societies), are now criticizing and laughing at the West for harboring these ideas - the very ideas they originated as a weapon against us!
Quite clever of them. also understands the true nature of the threat of the CCP.
“The CCP welcomes any effort that will weaken the U.S. and promote instability within it. These include efforts that will undermine American political, educational, social, and cultural institutions, the unity of the American people, and the understanding by Americans of the traditional American ideology of political liberalism and Western civilization.”
“In essence, the further the U.S. moves from its traditional political ideology and foundation, the better this is for China, in a Leninesque “The worse the better.” In addition to the profound problems we have discussed, the greatest we have yet not mentioned: the U.S. is in a period of ideological competition and transition. This weakens the U.S., paralyzes its ability to advance its interests, and hinders its capability to respond to the China threat.”