"Climate Emergencies"

And the residents will quietly obey the rules. Covid showed us how easily tyranny can be enforced, without a shot being fired. Watch for more of these “climate emergencies” in the future.


They site all the deaths due to the use of fossil fuels, but fail to mention how much worse that statistic will be if we continue towards using only “green” energy, which doesn’t work.
We will crash into worse than 3rd world poverty.
On top of that they push electric cars, yet at the same time want us to stop using electricity!
It’s all bogus, and designed to CREATE the problems which lead to “emergencies”, and their “solutions” - more government control!

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One rarely hears anymore, other than from the lips of Donald Trump, the need to return to our philosophical roots as stated in the Declaration and Constitution. The clarion call to the inalienable freedom of the individual from the tentacles of the state.

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As it happens, I’m reading a biography of Somerset Maugham in which says:

“‘If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom, and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too.’”

(from “The Secret Lives of Somerset Maugham” by Selina Hastings)

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Good point! It is similar to the famous quote by Ben Franklin: “He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.”

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I had forgotten Franklin’s quote. Thank you.

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