Christians, Muslims, Communists Chose the Ideas of Jews - Yet They Hate the Jews

We have to face without flinching what is now undeniable: There is a war across the globe raging against the Jewish people. It’s a war not just to destroy their national homeland but to drive them out of people’s heads, their conscience and their world.

Led by Muslims and the left, with its base in the universities, this war has extended much further than these circles into professional and commercial life.

The Palestinian flag, the symbol of the agenda to destroy Israel and erase the identity and history of the Jews in their ancestral land, is everywhere. Like the Biden administration in America, left-wing parties in Britain and France are displaying hostility to Israel and indifference to Jewish security when Israel is under existential attack, global Jew-hatred has reached stratospheric levels, and tyrants everywhere are on a roll because of the West’s refusal to defend itself or even understand the priceless values that it needs to defend.

France’s Chief Rabbi Moshe Sebbag has said there’s no future for Jews in France and advised young Jews to go to Israel “or a more secure country”. Diaspora Jews ask where they can be safe. The answer is nowhere.

Everyone is defined by where they stand in this war. There is no middle ground. Either you stand unequivocally with the Jewish victims of this war and support their self-defense or you are on the side of those attacking not just the Jewish people but civilization itself.

And in Britain, France and America, the left, whether moderate or extreme, is on the wrong side.

Read it all here:

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“There is a war across the globe raging against the Jewish people.”
A war for which the Left is responsible, and as with every other catastrophe created by the Left, it was totally preventable.
They created the monster by allowing Muslims (who’s quest to establish a World Caliphate was defeated by our ancestors centuries ago) to return from their tribal obscurity and resume their invasion of the West.
Just as opening our borders (to “enrich the fabric” of a new, “multicultural” and “Open” Society!) has enabled the resurgence of long eradicated diseases, it has also enabled the revival of long eradicated, barbaric hatred.

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Great comment! Thank you, Liz!

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