China's Man in the White House

This is one of the great political scandals of American history. As president, Biden has already sought to turn control of American energy, and thus our economy, over to the Chinese Communist Party. Is this the result of bribes paid by the Chinese to Joe Biden, or, perhaps, the threat to reveal those bribes publicly?

One way or another, it appears that we have a compromised president who dares not stand up to the Chinese Communist Party because of his prior corrupt dealings with them. It would be nice if reporters would take an interest in this explosive scandal, which could, more than any prior political scandal in our country’s history, compromise our national security.


I know, it’s ludicrous. The threat to national security posed by allowing someone as compromised by corruption as Biden into the highest office in government couldn’t have been plainer. But our entire government was already so corrupt that this was not an issue to them, nor was rigging the election to get him there.
Or using our already weaponized FBI to frame, arrest, and imprison Trump supporters as “insurrectionists”.
The rot goes alot deeper than just Biden.