China Launches a Drone Ship

China christened a remarkable new 290-foot ship last week – the world’s first semi-autonomous drone carrier. It’ll carry, launch, recover and coordinate the actions of more than 50 other autonomous aerial, surface and underwater vehicles. While it’s mainly pitched as an ocean research vessel, it has military capability to intercept and expel invasive targets.

“Christened” is the wrong word, of course, for a Communist Chinese vessel. But we’ll let that pass. The bad thing is that China is building autonomous ships - having probably stolen the technology from the US - while the US navy is still preoccupied with the vital need to choose its pronouns.


Well, just in time for it’s attack on Taiwan, I’m sure!
And, yes, all while the U.S. is too busy policing pro-nouns and setting up the next false flag attack of Evil White Supremacist Terrorists to rescue us from.