Twenty-four books were put on display at the library’s front desk, the very first thing anyone would see should they enter, whether they are age 5 or 55. In other words, they were clearly the library’s featured books.
Some of the titles were This Book Is Gay, Beyond the Gender Binary, Out!, Rainbow Revolutionaries, Were I Not a Girl, and so forth. Others hid behind the completely overt, with titles such as And Tango Makes Three, although the essence was the same.
As the author of 13 books I am quite aware of the value of library and bookstore placement. Indeed, publishers pay bookstores to have their books out front for a reason.
Unfortunately, in the case of the Maury County main branch, every one of the 24 books on prominent display was a children’s book—at a height that would easily attract a child—replete with “friendly” hearts, and containing highly sexualized content tilting strongly gay.
The sexualization of many of these children’s books was extreme. Some gave actual Kinsey-type advice on erogenous zones, evidently for young teenagers or even 12-year-olds—almost all of that boy-on-boy or girl-on-girl.
“Grooming” anyone?
These books weren’t just over-sexualized. They used sex to push heavily left-wing agendas—anti-capitalism, critical race theory, critical queer theory, critical theory in general, as well as the rest of that crypto-communist mumbo-jumbo we are propagandized with daily in our biased educational system and media.
In this case, however, it was pitched directly at young children, many of whom before they even had heard of the founding documents of our country and its principles.
These books included content written by a boy that started dressing in drag and removing his clothing for money at the age of 11, and has founded the first ‘drag house for drag kids’. It included books encouraging the young readers to discover what ‘their sexual pleasure looks like’, depictions of masturbation, instructions on how to pursue life-altering bodily mutilation like double mastectomies and castration, and encouraged chemical treatments that result in lifelong infertility, higher rates of cancer, and other side effects that we are only now learning more about.
It’s beyond appalling, disgusting, criminal, insane.
Criminal insanity on a “mass psychosis” scale.
I can understand how people get brainwashed into socialism, but not this. Since when did child sex predation suddenly become acceptable?
When did any of this become acceptable?! When did the PTB truly believe that sexing-up little kids was okay?
Slowly, slowly…I remember when the fashions for little girls and teen girls started shifting to adult attire, then to slut, then to prostitute. And those skin tight leggings paired with a tank top that soon morphed into a short tank top with a shoulder down on one side and the leggings got thinner. The music, the clothes, the phones, the attitude.
The boys went gansta and the girls went hooker. And in it crept, because that was all the stores offered, and it was a search to find clothes that weren’t revealing for the girls. Ten years ago, maybe sooner in the cities.
Then came smart phones. What a plague they have been on our youth!
It has all happened slowly, so we don’t realize how far we have slipped until we near the end. Just like everything else the Leftest agenda has done.
Except now…now, it is moving quickly, because this is the time they have been waiting for. A perfect storm that keeps on giving.
Yes, that’s right. It was on a slow boil, but now that they’re in power, it’s on full blast, just like everything else they’re doing.