CDC Peels Off Mask Recommendations for Most U.S. Counties

I hope you can read the comments, which are all from medical people and a few disagree that masks are worthless, while most vehemently condemn the efficacy and worth of masks. Much talk about HEPA filters and air filtration on planes. Perhaps all discussion is allowed now.

You will remember that we wore masks for a long while and then just to be allowed to shop and visit healthcare offices and to make others comfortable, and I defended our mask-wearing. Even our immune- suppressed daughter no longer defends masks, now. Our schools await the State Bd of Ed to give the okay to abandon masks, but that should be soon. Ugh, Maryland.


Uh-huh. Forget I posted.

Here is the map of counties that should continue masking and the red parts are where masks are reccommended:

Oh, look at that, you can tell just from the little snippet of the page.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I guess the CDC, FDA, Fauci, etc, etc, haven’t gotten the memo yet that they have lost all credibility.
Their “recommendations” aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on anymore.
Take your mask and shove it, Fauci!!


Maybe their map doesn’t reflect their new recommendations. I will check later, because I know everybody is just breathless with curiosity and excitement. :rofl: