Two black teenagers steal a car and go joyriding. They film themselves as they rear-end another vehicle, then spot a man bicycling along the side of the road. They deliberately run him over, killing him, as they film the murder, laughing.
The root cause of all crime is the human propensity to do evil. But the root cause of fluctuations in crime rates–the cause of our current spike in violent crime–is a weakening of social norms, a failure of will, and a resulting lack of law enforcement. Crime must be followed by punishment that fits the crime. When that doesn’t happen, crime proliferates. And 18-year-old wise guys think they can get away with murder.
Yes, soft-on-crime policies are never a good idea, but they are especially bad when you combine them with a flood of barbarians, drugs, and criminals.
But that’s by design. It’s the Communist plan.