Try as I might, I cannot think of anyone—save Justin Trudeau himself—whose politics and policies are less compatible with the zeitgeist in the West at the moment than Mark Carney. Throughout Western Europe, people are fed up with leaders who favor open borders, social justice politics, and the economics of decline (as dictated by Net Zero energy policies). Carney practically embodies all of the above. He is, in so many ways, the wrong man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. And yet…
One of two things will happen in eight weeks when the Liberal Party chooses its leader. Either Carney’s candidacy will fall flat, proving that he is too out of touch even for leftist Canadians, or it will succeed, proving that leftist Canadians desperately want to corroborate Mencken’s supposition that “democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.” If it’s the former, then perhaps Canada can resuscitate its near-depression-level economy and become a global energy leader again. If the latter, then…well…maybe President Trump has the right idea.
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