Can the Republic the Founders Gave Americans be Restored?

The source of our current ills – the lawlessness in our streets, the destruction of our borders, the racist “equity” policies of the Democrat Party, the “woke” derelictions of our military leaders, can all be traced to the indoctrination of our educated classes in hatreds spawned by cultural Marxism. Marxism is a creed that has resulted in more than 100 million deaths in peacetime, and continent-wide suffering on a scale unprecedented in the annals of human history.
Just as the universities in Germany were the first institutions to join the Nazi cause, so American universities have handed over their curricula to enemies of America, beginning with Stalinist Russia and extending on to Castro’s Cuba, Communist China, and terrorist Iran. They have even given their institutional support to a Palestinian movement which sided with Hitler during World War II, and which today promises to finish the job that Hitler started by destroying Israel – the only liberal democracy in the Middle East – and making it “Jew-free".
I am not alone in thinking that curing this cancer in our midst is essential to restoring the constitutional republic that America once was by reviving the principles and values that made it a beacon to the world. The path to achieving this result begins with recognizing that our premier universities have in their liberal arts programs become one-party states ruled by ignorance and bigotry, and thus breeding grounds for civic and racial hatreds and lawlessness. To remedy this state of affairs Americans must press for the de-funding of these institutions, withholding the federal and state monies that help to spread their hatreds until such time as their faculties represent the true intellectual diversity of America, and eliminate one-sided political indoctrination courses from their curricula.

I agree with John Hinderaker’s diagnosis, but I don’t think it’s possible - however desirable - to restore “the constitutional republic that America once was by reviving the principles and values that made it a beacon to the world”. Freedom, capitalism, excellence, rule of law, ample affordable energy, prosperity, abundance, limited government - those are now held by an apparent majority of Americans to be shameful White principles and values, needing to be replaced by DEI, ESG, universal welfare, all-powerful government, the unrule of “woke”.

Can so many minds be changed?

What do you think?


Also by John Hinderaker:
Things are going to get worse. Pretty much all of the policies being followed by the federal government, and many states, will contribute to an ongoing decline in living standards. The attack on fossil fuels and blind insistence on an impossible “transition” to wind and solar energy will cause the cost of energy to explode. The attack on agriculture, which is only now beginning in earnest, will force food prices up. The installation of DEI commissars in every government agency and substantial corporation is in itself wasteful spending, and worse, will make our corporations and government agencies less efficient and thereby raise costs further. And rampant crime imposes enormous costs that are borne by everyone except, too often, criminals.
Rich liberals may not notice or care, although continued declines in the stock markets might get their attention. But the rest of us will see the consequences of perverse government policies in worsening standards of living. One wonders how long it will take before most voters figure out that, somehow, life just isn’t as good as it once was.


“One wonders how long it will take before most voters figure out…” It will be way too late by then - it already is! Because voting is now a meaningless excersize in futility. We’re already under the boot of a de-facto dictatorship; the Coup has already been accomplished, the elections stolen, the illegitimate puppet “President” installed.


Here I am…the Hope keeper.

Of course it can. It is there waiting. It will always be there waiting for freedom fighters to return to the standard raised by our founders. So will the Roman Republic inspired by Solon, and other representative governments tried by history… and the Magna Carta.

Or did you want it “Now, goddamn it! Now!”

That will strain my hope a bit… :upside_down_face:


You believe, then, that White civilization will return? But the White race is dwindling, generation by generation, into insignificance.

Any signs that non-White powers are adopting “the standard raised by our founders”?

I too will welcome the return of the Roman Republic if your prediction is right.

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What the hell does white civilization have to do with people who desire to live with freedom, rights protected and with responsibilities to keep a Republic?

What do you mean by this question: Any signs that non-White powers are adopting “the standard raised by our founders”?

Surely you are aware of the many non-white citizens and non-citizens, who love our Constitution and Bill of Rights and desire to live in that America.

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Individual citizens of America are not powers, dear. Powers are countries, states, parties, movements, institutions, at the very least, organizations. Those American institutions and organizations that exclude whites are not, as far as I know, keen constitutionalists. If they were, they surely would not exclude whites.


Who is supposed to be in control? The People. Who has the power? The People. What did Jefferson say? Trust the American People. They may not get it right in the beginning, but eventually they will get it right.

Those are the movements that are beginning; those made up of The People. The black churches. The parents of public school children. The people that make up concerned citizens of counties and states. The people that support MAGA and Trump policies. The people that support DeSantis and other Rep. Governors and D.A.s that are fighting back against Progressive policies. The former military and those who are unhappy with their current service in a woke military. The pundits, whose followers call and email and contribute and show up when they are requested to do so. These are not all white people.

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Ah, so all is well. The American people (made up, as you rightly say, of many ethnicities), are in control.
And they are fighting back against the Progressive policies (pursued by people of all the ethnicities) that increasingly oppress us. May they succeed soon. Save us from inflation, the sexualizing and transgendering of children, the cancellation of history and bowdlerization of children’s books, the burden of millions of illegal aliens, the subtle war China is waging on us, the viruses made in labs and released among us, the inadequate training of doctors and airline pilots so that demands of racial “equity” can be met… Oh, the list of things that need to be put right is long, much longer. It has been a nightmare. But the dawn is coming.

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No, Jillian, all is not well…and you are perfectly aware of that. I suspect that you are also well aware that my hope that the Republic the Founders trusted us with can be restored is a hope that spans many decades of struggle for generations. But…the struggle is just beginning.

If the idea is worth saving, if the people continue awakening, if the apathy wanes and if worthy leaders keep appearing…then saving the Republic is worth my hope. I am sorry that not everyone shares my belief that there will always be hope that free and responsible people can govern themselves and will fight to do so…and that the Constitution and Bill of Rights will remain a standard they can return to.

Right now, the idea is worth saving, the people continue awakening, the apathy is waning and worthy leaders keep appearing. So…I have hope. It is a hope that has been historically shared by people throughout the world. The founders succeeded, but humans are complicated and flawed and the struggle against entropy is constant. The better living conditions get, the more apathy and the stronger the proponents of entropy appear in complicated and flawed human desires.

Is is naivety that makes me hang onto hope? Does it matter to me that some may think that? Hmmm…well, what actually matters to me is that others have no hope.

I like this little meme, this little simplistic meme and I like my Apocaloptimist meme. I like the strength of the weak to adapt and grow if they cannot stand against the winds, but to find their own originality. I like the will of humans to survive and struggle against evil. All this gives me hope.

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I went back to read the first post I made on TAC Forum, “Despair and Hope…” and it still speaks for me. You can find it here, if you want to read it:

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I re-read you Despair and Hope post. Is everything going as well again for your family, now that the Covid set-back is more or less over?

I corrected a typo on your post - 1916 to 1619. (We all make typos.)

You are right - I am aware that all is not well. But your vision of a restored free American Republic is beautiful to imagine.

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Thanks for the typo fix. Covid didn’t alter much for us. The status quo remains unaltered; one family crisis after another, but all is well, or at least moving in that direction…so…all is okay here on the farm.

To whomever is in charge of public school illnesses …Please, we have enough immunity now, thank you.

All things accomplished, whether great or small, begin with imagination.


Glad all is okay on your farm.