Can the "Democrats" be Stopped from "Fundamentally Transforming" the United States?

“We are faced with a strictly disciplined, no-nonsense revolutionary party, well known from history that aims to change the nation into something unrecognizable by most Americans. And it feels that it has now created the means to do it.”

Will America accept being turned into a neo-socialist dictatorship?
Is the Republican Party able and willing to prevent it?


Or is the Republican Party all talk and no performance?

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Sadly, I don’t think the question is “can they be stopped from transforming (destroying) it”.
They’ve already accomplished that.
The question is, can we stop them from continuing the utter destruction they’ve already caused, and salvage what’s left of the ruins to rebuild something remotely resembling a Constitutional Republic?

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It is already fundamentally transformed. The left has to be stopped and America has to move back to the Constitution.


“Has to be stopped” - but how?


You don’t want me to write it on the internet. If you are familiar with one of the characters in the movie “Remo Williams” …and I doubt that you are…you might know how I might suggest it be stopped. That would be extreme, and Beck would greatly disapprove, but were I in charge as the PTB to stop the Left would there be lengths to which I would not go?

All of the above might be a novel I am writing, in fact…I think it is and not really what I would consider at all…yes, just pretend for my novel.


You rouse my curiosity. I hope to read your novel.

But do you mean that IN REALITY there is no way to stop the calamity?


Why call it “neo-socialist” when “communist” will do just fine? If things start going really south under their dictatorship and the proletariat complain, we’ll see just how communist they can get. They’ve already been showing obvious signs of it.


Yep. The more power they get, the more they allow the mask to slip and reveal the communists they are.

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I have already written a short novel of a dystopian America, but that took a different road and did not start with a fight for the direction of America, such as we are in now. I was being cryptic, because I did not want to write into the ether what lengths I would go to in order to halt the decline into oligarchy here and globally.

And, no, I do think that the “calamity” can be stopped, and those actions began this past year. Can the fight back move more swift than the progression, overtake it and bury it for a couple of centuries, so a Constitution will once again be America’s guide…until this happens again?

Can it be kept from happening again? That would mean that we would learn something from the past 100 years. But…200 years into the future is, barring a catastrophic world event, if we build on what we have now…a completely different world for humans. That is not even my grandchildren’s worry.

We are gone to visit in PA for a few days, but I will pick back up as soon as I can. Carry on!


A novel that needs to be written (I lack the energy to do it) is about a stupid man, an habitual liar, thoroughly dishonest and easily corrupted, who rises and rises in a political party and in his dotage actually becomes president of the United States.


That would definitely be non- fiction!