The faults of Christianity are legion. But, decency dictates that I must give the devil its dues.
The West would not have survived if it were not for its stalwart Christian defenders at the Battle of Poitiers 732, the siege of Vienna 1653, and the Battle of Lepanto 1571.
The article doesn’t mention Gibbon, but this is the flaw, I believe, in Gibbon’s thinking. He quite rightly condemns the superstitions and other rubbish of Christianity, but in blaming the Fall of Rome on Christianity, he ignores the fact that Christianity and the Eastern Empire survived for one thousand years. I am unaware of anyone who has addressed this inconsistency in Gibbon’s thinking.
We made the same mistake, but made it worse by inviting our worst enemies in. But that’s because we are already ruled by our enemies within.
I posted this article by Bruce Bawer, not to celebrate Christianity, but to acknowledge the fact that, by defeating the Moslems in these three key battles, Christian soldiers allowed the West to continue its development and maturation. If Islam had not been defeated at Poitiers, the West would have been stillborn. If Islam had not been thwarted at Lepanto and Vienna, our Greco-Roman heritage would have been annihilated. There would have been no Renaissance, no scientific revolution, or Enlightenment.
Yes, that’s the only way for civilization to survive - by defeating Islam - not trying to “co-exist” with it.