BLM Founder For Trump


Quote: The founder of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is voicing his support of Jan. 6 prisoners and … endorsing former President Donald Trump as “the best candidate we have".

Mark Fisher—who stepped down from his leadership position at BLM Rhode Island, which he co-founded, and is now founder and executive director of the Maryland-based BLM Incorporated—has stood in solidarity with leaders of the Proud Boys and led vigils of prayer for the people he believes to be political prisoners.

“[The Democratic Party] is a racist party with racist policies that negatively impact black families,” he said. “Black people are stuck on that plantation, mentally. They’re slaves in their own minds because they refuse to see the big picture and how we’ve been used and abused by the Democratic Party with policies that are absolutely antithetical to what black people yearn for in this country, which is life, liberty, freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and a family to raise.”

Mr. Fisher said BLM has been blamed for the 2020 summer riots, though there were outside parties like the far-left extremist group Antifa that were a source of chaos. “Antifa had a lot to do with the riots of 2020, and there were a lot of anarchist groups who just wanted to take advantage of the moment and were out for destruction,” he said.

Mr. Fisher equally distrusts the Republican Party, which he said is its own corrupt institution. “This is why Donald Trump is so popular,” he said. “He’s anti-institution. He can’t be bought. He can’t be sold. He’s going to give it to you straight and keep it real and those who relate to that love that about him. If you look at both parties and the potential candidates—including the current president and vice president—I think he’s the best candidate we have. It’s a no-brainer.”

Though framed by legacy media outlets as a racist and xenophobe, Mr. Fisher said, President Trump has helped the black community “100 percent”.

“More and more black people every day are supporting him,” he said.

Read it all here:


Well that’s amazing! Great! Looks like he got “red pilled”. The only thing that doesn’t add up is that he’s still involved with BLM. Does he not know that it was founded by Marxists - the same ones infesting the Democrat party that he’s now against, and using blacks in the same way?


What does Mr. Fisher have to say about Israel/Jews? Before we clasp him to our bosom, let’s make sure he is not another Kanye West. Or Dave Chappelle.
BLM itself fully supports Hamas. The black “community” in general and its leaders - Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton - don’t much care for Jews.


It seems, my guess, is that he was a naive man of sincere intent who eventually discovered his mistake and is now trying to redeem himself. I think these things happen, but often take longer. Sometimes a founder or leader of movement this-or-that in a particular location (Rhode Island here) is just the guy who emerged first to take up the position of founder or leader without challenge. I’ve seen it happen in the Tea Party movement, where in New Orleans, the person who showed up to establish the local chapter was a semiliterate God-soaked ignoramus. It was much different in Baton Rouge, whose Tea Party organization was better lead and better staffed - a smaller college town, but probably the Tea Party there benefitted by that difference. In the case of Rhode Island, it might be analogous in that Rhode Island has a smaller black population - the law of small numbers and the random draw at work.


I don’t buy this for a second.