Black Supremacy

If every member of the House and Senate, and the president of the US and every member of his/her cabinet, and all nine justice in the Supreme Court were black, that fact would be of no importance whatsoever if each had qualified for his/her position by fair competitive achievement and was competently performing his/her official responsibilities. But if their only “qualification” is their blackness, it is cause for alarm.

A revolution is in progress in America, an uprising against the country’s established form of republican government, with the aim of destroying it as a nation state and turning it into a black-ruled territory in which whites are subjugated to blacks. In the new dispensation, all whites are to be punished with humiliation and impoverishment because the ancestors of some of them enslaved blacks.

The revolutionaries – with whites their most visible prominent leaders – are succeeding, even though they are encountering some set-backs: a temporarily Republican-majority House of Representatives, certain states effectively frustrating their ploys. White Joe Biden, a crooked and senile fool, has been maneuvered into the presidency and does what he’s told. Black clothed and masked Antifa thugs riot when ordered to, and beat, burn, shoot, bomb, kill. Schools teach children to be ashamed of themselves as oppressors if they are white and sorry for themselves as victims if they are black. Prosecutors get law-abiding but critical citizens jailed and career criminals released. The mass media toe the line.

The aim is black supremacy.

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Elementary schoolchildren in the nation’s capital will be inculcated in the talking points of the Democratic Party. They will be trained to look for systemic racism, white privilege, and the patriarchy (10th graders learn about “Eurocentrism”). They will be formed not into citizens who love and respect their nation for the unprecedented goods it has delivered to generations of Americans, but into aggrieved activists who believe themselves victims of an oppressive regime.
At least in the District of Columbia, the story of America will no longer be one of freedom and virtue encouraged and protected by republican government, but one of victimized parties suffering under the yoke of “European colonizers". Little surprise, when seventh graders learn about George Washington, they focus on “his legacy as an enslaver".
Multiple times in the curriculum, D.C. students will be taught that the evils of our nation were performed by “primarily white men” or “mostly white men". The point seems to be that our history should not provoke pride, but shame.

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Of the many great achievements of our Western civilization, our Enlightenment, our industrial Revolution, the greatest of all was the establishment of the American Republic. It was to be a country in which freedom was protected by the rule of law, though it wasn’t until the black slaves in the confederate states were freed by civil war that the vision of freedom for all began to be realized, and with the ending of the Jim Crow laws in 1965, it seemed that it was. But an untold number of black citizens were not satisfied with equality; they wanted, and continue to want, with ever more passion, revenge. Out of the movement for black civil rights rose the Black Power movement, conventionally dated from 1966. In 2008, tens of millions of whites helped to elect the first black president, Barack Obama, and with his rise to power a new vision came to rival the old: an America “fundamentally transformed” into a black-dominated socialist subsection of an anti-white socialist world under one government. Any means, even if illegal and immoral, will be used to achieve it.

But if it is achieved it is likely to be short-lived. There is another far more powerful force at work fundamentally transforming our civilization: Communist China, aspiring to be the sole power ruling the world. And a tyrannical, socialist, borderless, weakly defended America will be much easier for China to harvest than a free and well defended constitutional republic.

But nothing in human affairs can be predicted with certainty. And – look - a Future is thundering towards us with “AI” and “Singularity” emblazoned on its forehead.


I think “black supremacy” is just a vehicle the left is using to leverage its own power, and it exploits brainwashed blacks and their white “allies” as useful idiots to achieve their agenda.
And in fact, the left itself is being exploited by the CCP to destroy us from within and pave the way for that enemy to defeat us from without.
Ironically, the Chinese are known to be generally more racist towards blacks than Americans ever have been.