Big pharma is being punished by the stock market

I have put this in the crime category because I believe multiple crimes have been committed including fraud, murder, and reckless endangerment. So far the media has been complicit, but former BlackRock executive Edward Dowd (who has been making waves recently) explains that Wall Street is mad as hell as they are waking up to the reality that everyone has been taken for a ride with the COVID-19 injections, and what is going on in the stock market is going to become a story that is too big to ignore. It’s already begun:

The reality behind these headlines is according to Dowd:

Dowd foresees an avalanche of lawsuits coming as the insurance industry continues to uncover the legions of mounting deaths coming from the complications of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.


Well, hate to say " I told you so", stock market people, but we told you so!!!
Here’s the consequences of listening to the propaganda machine of the Left. But they aren’t that stupid - they had to know. They won’t suffer the consequences - everyone else will.
The lawsuits coming better address the scientific fraud, malpractice, and yes, murder, they have all committed - from Biden, to Fauci, to every scientist, doctor, and pharma oligarch that was complicit.


The truth will come out in time:

Vaccine Side-Effects Up to 10 Times Higher Than Official Figures, Insurance Company Board Member Reveals


Yes, it’s finally coming out, now that it’s too late for the unfortunate sufferers of the side effects and the dead. The guilty parties will now put on their shocked faces and pretend this was a totally unavoidable mistake that couldn’t possibly have been foreseen!!! And besides, it’s Trumps fault!!!


I’ve listened to the whole interview on newswars, it’s pretty explosive stuff:

Key point - Moderna are a single product (mRNA injections) company and he thinks they are “going to zero” (stock price). He also says the insurance industry is becoming aware and starting to act accordingly, but not wanting to admit it for fear of bad publicity in the media.

Alex Jones says he doesn’t think this is all playing out as the kingpins (Gates & Co.) expected it would, and I am inclined to agree.


Hmmmm… not playing out as they expected, ey?
Awwww! Let’s get out our little teeny tiny violins!!
It will be nice if, for once, they get slapped in the face with some of the crap they’ve been burying us in.


Another key point - Dowd is predicting some sort of major cyber attack, he thinks so because just as they “wargamed” the “pandemic” (he doesn’t specifically mention Event 201 but I assume that’s what he’s thinking of), they have been wargaming a cyber attack in an exercise called Cyber Polygon. There’s some info. on it here:

despite the fact the Blackout Warfare document warns of an attack from Russia, the country is actually leading the WEF’s Cyber Polygon exercise, which aims to simulate a major supply-chain “cyberpandemic” that could potentially “bring down the entire system.”


I think that prediction is pretty well founded, given the WEF’s history. They carried out the last thing they “wargamed”, so it would be foolish to ignore this. Also, there’s the fact that our DOJ just removed Trumps protections of the U.S. from China.
Our government is already abetting the scam, since, as they proved in the “pandemic”, they are in on it.


The key legal point from Dowd (which I’ve heard others make as well) is that the indemnity (I think that’s the right word) that big pharma insisted on is nullified if fraud took place, and fraud took place in the falsification of trial data. Related article:


That great news! Yes, Malone and others are saying that this was MAJOR scientific fraud.


I was finally able to watch the whole thing- really good interview. Yes, it’s scientific fraud, as he says, that “goes beyond the pale”. And since they have been found out, and know they are going to be backed into a corner by the angry people they duped, they are going to react by tripling down on us by other means, such as this cyber attack, to strike us down before we can get to them.
Very dire situation, to say the least.


A (text) interview with Edward Dowd at TCW:

Was the Covid crisis a fraud to cancel global debt?


The US debt - $30 trillion. That in itself is mind boggling. That they would do all this to cover it up?
It’s got to be more than just to cover the fraud -they’re using it to gain complete control, which as he says, they will need when it all crashes and people start rioting over it…