Biden's Treason

The election of President Joe Biden under extremely questionable conditions was hugely welcomed by the leaders of countries that are the enemies of the United States. Iran’s then President Hassan Rouhani said that the Biden administration “will surrender to the Iranian nation”. Communist China’s President Xi Jinping instantly stepped up military provocations against Taiwan and Australia, India, the Philippines and Japan.
Biden soon removed the Houthi militia from the Department of State list of terrorist organizations. Their attacks on Saudi Arabia resumed. He rescinded the UN sanctions on Iran that had been reinstated by Trump. Iran could now deliver missiles to Hamas, which used them in May to launch a massive attack on Israel.
The Afghan disaster was put in place. The Biden administration, unlike the Trump administration, showed the Taliban and al-Qaeda that they had nothing to fear. The American media and the rest of the Western world hardly commented on the deceitful, catastrophic and deadly way the United States surrendered Afghanistan. An editorial of the French newspaper Le Monde spoke with joy of the “long list of humiliations suffered by the United States”.
Meanwhile, the only person under investigation for the completely avoidable strategic failure of America’s surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan is decorated US Marine officer, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, currently in the Marine Corps brig at Camp Lejeune, for violating a “gag order” to bar him from asking senior leaders for accountability.
What do you call it when a party that treats 81 million unvaccinated Americans as domestic enemies allows hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal migrants to cross U.S. borders and be flown into the heartland by the United States Air Force? And once there – to get free medical care, welfare payments, and education? What do you call it when a party’s leaders require all of America’s soldiers to undergo indoctrination in an ideology that calls for the ‘dismantling’ of America. telling them that their oath to defend the Constitution is an oath to defend a document that codifies ‘white supremacy’?
You call it treason.


Exactly! Everything they’ve done so far since Bidens installment (like a toilet) is completely in line with what these traitors have been pushing us towards for years. It’s no surprise at all, and those acting like they’re in shock about it are lying.


Very disappointing to see Scheller trash Trump and General Flynn. He calls Trump a liar. He rejects the funds raised by Trump supporters.
I don’t understand how he can see what’s wrong with Biden’s people and yet not side with those who are fighting against them. Doesn’t make sense.


I’m also disappointed! And puzzled.


He also accused Trump of “dividing the country”.
Sounds like a regular CNN listener, or something.
I guess he’s unaware of the communist agitprop that’s been going on for the last five decades, specifically designed to divide the country.