Biden Will Wage Kinder Gentler Warfare

The Biden administration last week announced it would dramatically limit the use of anti-personnel land mines by U.S. forces and destroy the entire U.S. inventory of such land mines, except for a limited number associated with defending South Korea.
Although the decision no doubt will be welcomed by the more progressive elements of the president’s party, experts know that this blatant virtue signaling not only could cause the unnecessary deaths of U.S. military personnel, but defeat in battle.
It is a tragic mistake to say that, because mines have caused problems in other settings, U.S. forces should not be allowed to use mines to protect themselves and make it harder for an enemy to prevail.
This is like saying that because criminals use weapons to commit crimes, police should be disarmed to set the example that leads us to a gun-free world. The whole notion is absurd.
This administration seemingly places more emphasis in the areas of climate change, diversity and equity, and extremist witch hunts, than actual war-fighting capability.
Biden effectively is sacrificing our men and women on the altar of progressive fantasy on the false premise that our enemies will observe the niceties of proper conduct on the next battlefield.

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Yes, all it does is give our enemies an advantage over us. Just as when Obama reduced our nuclear arsenal.

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