Because Jews

It apparently never occurred to either the heads of the UN or the EU to consider that if you are a terrorist organization that commits war crimes, you do not get to choose how a war that you started is waged against you.

If you do not want a “bloodbath,” do not take hostages, hide them among civilians, try to prevent a rescue, then if they are rescued, profess shock at the fallout that you yourself have teed up.

BBC news asked with a straight face if, to spare the lives of the Gazan “civilians” who were keeping the hostages locked up in their homes, Israel had given prior warning before launching its rescue operation. The Israeli spokesman, also keeping a straight face, politely answered that a warning might have endangered the hostages and made the rescue more difficult.

The irony of all this seems completely lost on the political and media elites, who kept insisting that the Israeli rescue operation was somehow immoral. By condemning Israel’s rescue operation, they suggest that massacring and kidnapping 240 people is moral, and an act that should not require a military response.

The new purported Hamas agreement to a ceasefire apparently comes with a major hurdle: The Iran-backed terror group is now demanding written guarantees that mediators will continue to negotiate a permanent truce, once the first phase of the plan goes into effect, the Hamas rep said.
Essentially, this demand means that Hamas and its handlers, Iran and Qatar, would like to start wars and then have someone else stop them when they do not like how they are going.

In contravention of the Geneva conventions, Hamas has refused to allow the Red Cross to check on the welfare of the hostages. One can imagine why.

To this day, there seems little-to-no interest in the fate or condition of the hostages still in Gaza. Instead, there is denial that the October 7 atrocities even took place, compared to an almost obsessive regard for the safety of, and humanitarian aid for Gazans. When the UN is unable to deliver the aid, Israel, not the UN, is blamed.

The Hamas murders, rapes, burning alive of babies, and abductions – all the reasons why Israel was forced to go to war with Hamas to begin with – have retreated into the background.

What seems to matter instead to those who set the political and media agendas is to use the Hamas war once again to demonize the Jews as the world’s most inhuman people for wanting to live peacefully on their historical land without daily massacres from Iran and its proxies – Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the Houthis – which apparently plan to encircle them in a “Ring of Fire” – “six fronts of aggression against Israel” – as part of Iran’s attempt at hegemony in the Middle East.

Western elites seem happy to assist them in that fight.

Because Jews.

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Yes, if ever there was proof that Western elites, the UN, and the EU have a nefarious agenda, this is it.
The “causes” they attempt to normalize are each more absurd than the last:
They’ve banned the usage of reliable sources of energy production and replaced them with inefficient ones, because “climate crisis”.
They’ve promoted the sexual grooming and mutilation of children because “love is love”?!?
They’ve destroyed the borders of every country and flooded them with the dregs of the earth, bringing crime, death, and destruction because “equity”…
And now, the greatest absurdity of all - promote terrorism and then blame the victims of it for defending themselves from the poor, helpless, oppressed terrorists!.. Because Jews - who, as everyone knows, are genocidal colonialist patriarchal Nazi supremacists!!!

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As a note to that - as soon as I finished writing that comment I read, “Gaza activists vandalize Anne Frank statue in Amsterdam”…

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“A demonstration in New York last month protested the existence of an exhibit on the massacre at the Nova music festival and the hundreds of people who were butchered there, because to these people, Jews have it coming whenever they are murdered just for being Jews.

Read it all here:

But her husband is a Jew!

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Harris is a perfect example of an ‘empty suit’ - a shallow twit who just repeats whatever drivel she thinks will win her political points.
As far as I can tell, she doesn’t care, or even have an opinion at all, about any matter she speaks on.
She may not have even bothered to notice the fact that Gazan “emotions” are about hatred of Jews.

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