Authoritarian Government is Bad for Our Health

The Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, recently issued a report describing “gun violence” as a public health problem. I guess knife, bare hand, and baseball bat violence are presently manageable.

Even though studies had long shown the ineffectiveness of masks in a community setting, when COVID hit, public health authorities ignored their own science in order to create an environment of maximum fear. Hundreds of thousands of people lost jobs, were kicked out of the military, were shunned by friends and family, could not travel, moved across the country to escape tyrannical local regimes, or took a vaccine under duress.

Many of these people remain quietly angry over the way authorities showed no respect for human autonomy and no humility about the lackluster results of vaccines, masking, social distancing, and much else that was done in the name of fighting COVID. In spite of their massive toll on ordinary life, public health officials like Dr. Murthy are completely unrepentant.

In parallel with all the COVID nonsense, the powers-that-be endorsed a massive spasm of violence and anarchy under the rubric of Black Lives Matter in the summer of 2020. Almost every major city saw violence.

And corporate America, Democratic politicians, and even public health authorities did a 180-degree turn from the restrictive environment aimed at COVID to support widespread violence and rioting. It was a ridiculous, politicized, and utterly transparent contradiction.

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Yes, all the chaos, and at the same time authoritarianism, that was so transparently contradictory, was also obviously an orchestrated, planned coup.
Covid was a manufactured crisis introduced so that they could “save” us from it with the “vaccine”, which had alot more than just “lackluster results” - it had devastating, intentionally deadly results.
They never stop pushing the false “crises” of “climate change” and “gun violence”, either.
It’s all so obvious at this point, unless you’ve been sucked into the propaganda media’s “mass hysteria” vortex.

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From this week’s Friday column at PowerLine by fellow conservative Ammo Grrrll - professional comedienne and earthly goddess of gunnery:

“Who are the 37 percent who, immediately following the debate, expressed the opinion that Biden had ‘won’ the debate?” Even I know a dedicated Trump loather who has eyes and an otherwise excellent brain and conceded that Biden had been KO’d in the first round. It would be like a prizefight between the scrawny, addled, possibly drunk Nancy Pelosi and Mike Tyson wherein Ms. Pelosi lay comatose on the mat (a Grrrll can dream…) while Tyson finished ingesting her ear and a third of the witnesses declared Nanny State Nancy the “winnah and still champeen”.

Joseph Robinette Biden stood in front of the American public and, like the little boy outing the nude Emperor of storybook fame, some 57 million members of the American public finally noticed that he was not fit even to be an Emperor’s Chamber Pot Emptier and also was completely unclothed!

Sadly, almost all my relatives are Democrats – with Mama and Daddy gone, we are the only conservatives left. I use conservatives instead of Republicans advisedly. I have minimal confidence in the Republican Establishment. IF the Republicans can possibly find a way to lose to avoid having to put DJT back in the White House, they will git ‘er done.

But when you’re in that voting booth – or filling out your Absentee Ballot at home – ultimately you really truly DO have to make a binary choice. And I will pick Republican every time until I am convinced that some third party ultra-conservative has a ghost of a chance.

So think I and so will I.

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Yes, the most shocking thing about that debate was how completely the trap set for Trump failed.
The moderators failed from the get-go to make any of their “gotcha” questions rattle him or get him off track, which left Biden flailing, resorting to long debunked lies, his mental incompetence fully exposed and in stark contrast to Trumps mental fitness. A backfire of historic proportions!

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