The insane political theatre continues.
Insanity is the only word that fits for all this.
It doesn’t make sense in any way, even the idea of “making an example of him”.
The only thing they are making an example of is their own out of control, psychotic stupidity.
So they’re going to ignore their own laws and a judges ruling! Sounds like the U.S., actually.
I heard just now the court ruled in his favor.
The last I read was that the federal authority could disregard the court’s verdict and deport him.
Or has there been another later court ruling?
No that was probably it. So I guess it remains to be seen what they will do.
Oh, brother. Here we go again! They just can’t leave well enough alone.
Well there goes his best chances to win any more Australian Opens. You know, I think I would actually prefer it if we just went back to the good old days of corrupt governments that would just take some money under the table and let him get on with it.
But no, we have to be psycopathically politically correct now!! Even if we have to break our own laws doing it.