Attempted Murder of Donald Trump

Another view of her:


By that look of hers I guess she’s afraid because she’s guilty.

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She looks like Mark Millie in drag.

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And we now know Secret Service denied Trump additional security for the last two years! It couldn’t be more obvious that they were, at the very least, making it as easy as they possibly could for something like this to happen. It wouldn’t surprise me if another attempt is made before the election, either.
I hope he spends a big portion of all those millions Elon Musk is donating to him to hire his own additional security.


Now we hear (a whistleblower via Josh Hawley) that local police assigned to the area were supposed to be on the roof but decided to stay inside the building instead because it was too hot.
And they were also supposed to patrol the outside of the building but didn’t - for the same reason, I guess.
Just when you think police can’t do a worse job than they did at the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas or Uvalde school shootings, they do this.

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Edited Quote:
The Hancock, Michigan, Police Department posted a press release Sunday warning about “three different incidents that appeared to be politically motivated”, with the targets being Trump and Law Enforcement supporters.

One of the victims is an 80-year-old man who was run down in his yard while putting up a pro-Trump sign. [He is hospitalized.]

Two other incidents involved vehicles that were intentionally vandalized.

An update says a man who identified himself as the guilty party asked for the police to come pick him up. After entering the residence with a search warrant, the police found a 22-year-old male dead by a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

This happened just a week after an assassination attempt on Trump, made possible by inexplicable Secret Service security lapses.

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Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri says he was told to leave the venue where former President Donald Trump was shot Saturday when he went to see the place for himself.

“As the Senate prepares for hearings, today I went to Butler County to see the site of the shooting myself — and FBI told me to leave. We need ANSWERS. I won’t stop pushing until we get them,” Hawley wrote Friday in a post on X.

Hawley’s post included a video of his appearance Friday night on Fox News’ Hannity program.

“When I went to the site, the FBI has got more security on that site now than they did the night that Trump was shot at,” Hawley told Hannity. “They tried to kick me off of the site. They said, ‘Get out of here. You shouldn’t be on this site. We don’t want you here.’ They are trying to control the information.
I had permission from the local security operator to be there, and they — the FBI — came out and said, ‘You have got to leave, we do not want you here.’"

In another video of the interview posted on X, Hawley says he was stunned at what he was able to see.

“Having been there today myself, I can you, it is so close. That building where the shooter fired from is so close to where Trump was … and no law enforcement notices he’s on the roof?” Hawley said.

[They noticed. And they were told. But they did not act.]

read it all here:

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The Left is a cult that brainwashes it’s adherents to the point that they are so delusional, they can’t see what are plainly visible, proven facts.
And no matter how many times the media gets caught lying, they still believe them.
Even though one person was killed and two critically wounded in the assassination attempt, it was still “staged”, in their opinion. And if Trump had died it would have been a good thing, because he’s still Hitler and a threat to democracy.

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Questioned by Congressmen as to why the Secret Service did not survey the venue of the Trump rally at Butler on July 13, 2024, with drones, no answer that makes sense is given by the Acting Director:

The would-be assassin could fly a drone, but the Secret Service could not! Why not? No plausible reason given.

Maybe they had been instructed not to survey the territory with drones. Maybe they had been told to leave unguarded the roof from which the killer fired.

Maybe there was a conspiracy to have Donald Trump killed.

Its a conspiracy theory. Yes. An all-too-plausible conspiracy theory.

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And there is this to increase suspicion:

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David Strom, writing at Hot Air, also thinks there was a conspiracy to have Trump shot dead:

Acting Director of the Secret Service Ronald Rowe “shouldn’t just be fired; he should be investigated for complicity in what increasingly looks like a plot to put President Trump at risk of assassination.”

Please read it all:

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Yes, it’s very plausible that the whole thing (just like Jan.6, and the Whitmer kidnapping plot, to name a couple) was orchestrated by the FBI and DHS, etc.
First of all, the level of incompetence it would require, (even for DEI hires!) to screw up that much is just unbelievable.
And even more unbelievable that all the incompetence (no-one on the roof, no-one at the window in the building, no-one keeping Trump off the stage, etc) just randomly, coincidentally converged in a “perfect storm” that gave the shooter his window of opportunity.
Secondly, if that is all true, then why the cover-up?
They could release all their phone records, etc, to prove that they had no previous contact with the shooter. Looking incompetent would at least be better than looking guilty and trying to hide it.

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“Despite the left and the Democrat Party’s never-ending attempts to get rid of him, Trump is still here, and Biden hasn’t been seen in days.
"And, despite the Democrat attempts over the last decade to frame him as a Russian spy, ban him from the ballot as an insurrectionist, jail him for phony crimes that they conjured, and assassinate him, "Trump doesn’t seem fazed at all. In fact, it seems that he grows continuously stronger.
"This is the type of leader our country needs.”


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Yes, Trump is uniquely qualified to do the job of not only leading the country, but saving it from disaster.
If only the traitors weaponizing government power against him, and the entire country, can be overcome.

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The tap dancing, lies, and coverup of the Trump assassination attempt by the Secret Service, FBI, and now the mainstream media is so far beyond bureaucratic ass-covering that it’s hard to conclude that the events in Butler were not desired.

For weeks, I wanted to believe that massive incompetence led to the events in Butler. I really did because the alternative didn’t bear thinking of. I thought the lawfare campaign was banana republic stuff, but assassination? That is Putin-level evil.

But consider the facts: the security “breakdowns” were so massive and implausible when combined that any large police force could have done a better job than the most elite protection unit in the world.

The shooter was identified, tracked, photographed, filmed on the roof, the Secret Service was warned multiple times, the shooter was in the line of sight of the snipers, and Trump was trotted out onto the stage and kept there as the shooter was lining up his shot in full view of the Secret Service snipers.

None of that is disputable.

The Secret Service is now stonewalling and has put the very man whose job it was to oversee security in charge of the investigation, and he has been lying to Congress.

The FBI has been obfuscating and lying for political reasons (the FBI Director said he didn’t know if Trump was shot, while his Deputy testified there was NEVER any doubt), and instead of answering Congress’s questions, he refers to the Secret Service, which refers questions back to the FBI.

Nobody is talking or taking responsibility.

A sniper wrote a long email to his colleagues about the corruption and lies, and the Secret Service illegally deleted it from their servers.

Let that sink in. They broke the law in doing so. Not an obscure law, but one of the most fundamental laws having to do with retention of government records.

Now we learn from a whistleblower that the Acting Director of the Secret Service personally pulled resources from the Trump team, including the very people whose job it was to identify and track a potential threat. They weren’t there, despite it being a critical resource to deal with precisely this type of threat and standard to provide them.

Rowe did that and now is in charge of investigating himself.

The Secret Service didn’t meet with the local law enforcement details before the assassination attempt and hasn’t SINCE even during what is supposed to be one of the most critical and intensive investigations in history.

So far it has been three weeks, and the people who identified the shooter tried to capture him before the assassination attempt, and first arrived at the scene have been totally ignored by the investigation.

No longer. I just can’t. One, two, or three of these screw-ups could be explained by incompetence, but not all of them, and especially not the multiple incidents of outright perjury before Congress.

The snipers had a line of sight on the shooter. He was visible running across the root. The locals had informed the Secret Service that he was there. The locals were swarming the building minutes before the shots rang out. We have video of all of this. All of it.

If you can give an innocent explanation for the mountain of evidence that this was allowed to happen, I really want to hear it, because a plot to get Trump killed is the worst-case scenario. I really don’t want to believe it.

Right now I believe it. Please prove me wrong.

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Yes, it all adds up. What amazes me is that these people running the FBI and Secret Service, etc, KNOWING that they’ve already been exposed in the Whitmer, J6, Hunter laptop, Russia hoax cons as corrupt liars and schemers, and that as a result, their credibility is below zero, STILL think they can pull something like this off and get away with it!
They must be supremely confident that the next election steal will be successful, so that they will never be held accountable.

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