Argentine President Milei Shows the Way to Prosperity

While in California, Milei delivered a highly technical lecture on his new book, Capitalism, Socialism, and the Neoclassical Trap: From Economic Theory To Political Action, at Stanford. He covered the history of economic thought, criticizing John Maynard Keynes while lauding names like Adam Smith, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, Ronald Coase, and Murray Rothbard—and even some lesser-known economists like Frank Ramsey, Knut Wicksell, and Angus Maddison. The self-described libertarian leader was broadly critical of economic models which can veer far from reality, and of academic economists for using market failures to justify excessive government intervention.

Milei has made meaningful progress toward his goal of liberalizing the Argentine economy to enable human flourishing and alleviate poverty. Time will tell whether his success continues—and leads other countries to adopt his bold and innovative platform.

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Argentine President Javier Milei continues to spark the ire of leftists as he tries to rescue the country with his libertarian policies.

Read why here:

But Milei is right.

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Yes, his policies have been proven to work.
The question is not if he will succeed in making them work, but if he will succeed in overcoming the left’s undermining and obstructing of everything he does.
It was the same with Trump.

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