Any Day is a Muslim Slaughter-Day


2023.04.16 (Nigeria)
Twenty-six more non-Muslim villagers are slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
2023.04.16 (Syria)
Thirty-six truffle hunters are machine-gunned by ISIS.
2023.04.15 (Syria)
Islamic State gunmen murder five shepherds and kill their flock.
2023.04.13 (Nigeria)
Nine tribesmen are murdered by Boko Haram.
2023.04.11 (Syria)
The Islamic State murders three young men hunting for mushrooms.
2023.04.07 (DRC)
Twenty-two men and women are cut down during a savage ADF attack on a farming community.

(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

See how tiny some of the victims are.


Well, thanks to leftist policies, the rest of the world will be catching up to the Muslim standard soon.
This looks almost like a scene from downtown in any city, USA, after local “youths” go on a “reparations” spree…