President Joe Biden’s administration has been selling off materials previously purchased to build a wall along portions of the U.S. border with Mexico.
See what else is in this article:
Why can’t anyone sane – that is to say, not a “Democrat” – discover and reveal who it is in the White House who is making the destructive, stupid, offensive decisions?
And further, who is making these same decisions all over Europe? Every disaster happening is happening globally - the invasion of borders, the destruction of energy to fight “climate change”, the Covid “emergency” and subsequent vax mandates…
It’s obviously being orchestrated by the globalists who want to destroy our nations and turn us all into “global citizens” under the One World Government controlled by them.
The problem with that thesis is, the globalists are destroying not just nations, but the social infrastructure that has made the West so successful. I doubt that they are doing this consciously. They’ll end up ruling a social slum.
Okay, there is an anecdote that may be relevant:
A frog found itself at the edge of the Jordan River, and prepared to swim across. Just then, a scorpion approached him, and asked to be allowed to ride on the frog’s back, so that he (the scorpion) could also cross. But the frog said, “Don’t be silly … you’re a scorpion, you’d sting me to death!” “No I wouldn’t!” said the scorpion, “I wouldn’t do that, because then I’d drown!” The frog thought about it, realized the logic, and let the scorpion climb on to his back. Halfway across, the scropion stung the frog … “Ohhh,” cried the dying frog, “why did you do that … now you’ll drown as well!” The scorpion just shrugged and replied, “True, but … hey … this is the Middle East.”
But I don’t think the people pushing measures that are leading to the destruction of the West are scorpions, at least not in their mentality. I think something more subtle, deeper, is going on, although I don’t really understand what it is.
There are some clues: for one thing, most of the destructive measures are extensions-to-absurdity of basic Western values: our individualism, our concern for all people … in short, our ‘democratic niceness’.
We believe that it would be wrong to discriminate against someone just because of their nationality., A single Somali immigrant can be just as productive, just as committed to Western values, as a single Danish immigrant. Nothing about being a Somali per se prevents this. But just as a single molecule of water cannot be said to be wet, but several trillion of them can indeed be wet – see “emergent properties” or the “fallacy of composition” – so several tens of thousands of Somalis, in a small country, can indeed behave very differently than an equal number of Danes, as the Swedes are finding out.
We don’t want the state to interfere in our private lives … so, today, most of us would not want government to dictate what consenting adults might get up to in the privacy of their own homes. But this has been extended to the idea of not hurting the feelings of those who get up to practices the rest of us might find bizarre, or, if practiced widely, socially destructive. Thus the strong push to normalize homosecuality and trans-sexualism. Will coprophilia follow?
It’s not a bad impulse to want gays or trans people not to be ridiculed. This is just civilized behavior. But there used to be a tacit agreement that it should remain the behavior of a minority … a sort of tolerated eccentricity. (And given the population implosion now occuring in economically-advanced countries, we have an urgent reason not to see this behavior spread.)
It must cause deep hurt for members of a specific racial group to believe that there is something inherent in their group which leads a significant minority of them to fail academically, while ‘succeeding’ in violent crime. So let’s comfort them by assuring them that it’s not their fault … it’s OUR fault. Defund the police, punish whites who respond in a normal way to Black criminals, do away with exams. All so that feelings won’t be hurt. Again, not an evil original impulse.
So … we’re being hoisted on our own kindly, tolerant petard.
But why? Is there something automatic about economic prosperity and internal and external security, that breeds this desire to tear down the behavioral pillars of society? It doesn’t seem, to me, to follow. But that’s what’s happening.
You doubt that the globalists are doing this consciously? I can’t bring myself to believe they are all really that stupid. A large percentage of the populations of the countries these things have been foisted on may be that stupid, which is why it’s been tolerated til now, but not the ones doing it.
Lenin and Stalin called the people who actually believed altruistically in the communist agenda “useful idiots” - they obviously didn’t include themselves in that group. They knew what they were doing, and their motives weren’t altruistic.
They’ve been working to undermine Western values - to demoralize, destabilize, and then conquer - for decades, and they’ve obviously succeeded.
You believe THEY have good intentions? Their message and aim is actually just tolerance? Except towards the Jews? Do many of them not passionately believe the Jews can be, must be, ridiculed, despised, rejected, humiliated, robbed, hounded, beaten, annihilated? Because?
Well, in the first place, I doubt very much that either Lenin or Stalin used the phrase ‘useful idiots’. It’s one of the self-pleasing myths that circulate on the Right. However, if you can give me a link to where they used this phrase, or to a reliable witness of its use by either of them, I would be very grateful. Their ‘Collected works’ can be found here: Marxists Internet Archive
Hollywood has trained us to think in terms of Pure-at-Heart Good Guys, and Deeply Wicked Doctor Evils. It’s not a plot on the part of the scriptwriters, it’s how you entertain people, going back to bards reciting sagas about Gilgamesh. But real life is seldom like that.
And the problem with these conspiracy theories is that they misinform us about what to do. If there is just a tiny group of Evil conspirators at the top, it should be easy to expose and remove them. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.
Consider: your averge humanities or social sciences professor in the US is some sort of Leftist. These people are not drugged robots of George Soros. They sincerely believe in what they teach … they’re the Sixties generation, or its direct descendants. People who grew up in a strong, secure nation, but who saw Blacks and white civil rights workers being murdered in the South while all-white juries there freed their murderers (and then shook hands with them afterwards); they watched on television Vietnamese children horribly burned from our napalm, running naked down their village street, and then they read about American troops committing mass rape and murder at My Lai.
By the late Sixties, a few tens of thousands of them – mostly middle class college kids – became conscious Marxists or were on the path to that end, in a mass organization called ‘Students for a Democratic Society’ which was approaching 100 000 members , when, by a heaven-sent unpredictable act, one group of their leaders – who became the terrorist Weathermen – in struggle with a more orthodox Marxist faction within the group – the Progressive Labor Party – destroyed the organization.
[ 1969 Students for a Democratic Society National Convention - Wikipedia ]
Accident plays a big role in history.
By the mid-70s, most of these young radicals had begun their professional lives, carrying with them their attitude of deep skepticism towards their own country. Many went into teaching – the rest, into other intellectual endeavors: they become lawyers, government employees, NGO employees, etc. We’re living with the results.
The fact that the main public proponents of conservatism, after we won the elections in 2000, were influenced by neo-cons, and took us into futile wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, just reinforced the deep skepticism of these people towards liberal democracy. They don’t have an ideology – certainly not old-fashioned nationalize-the-economy socialism – just an attitude. But that’s enough: their latest generation are the ‘woke’ lunatics.
I don’t think this is a complete explanation of what has happened to us. For one thing, it only applies to the US. And the LGBT etc growth phenomenon may have a more direct, chemical explanation:
The Left screams about ecology and pollution all the time, but, for some reason, they don’t mention this.
We have a horribly difficult task in front of us: we’ve got to reverse this deep cultural change. The nearest analogy was the growth of influence of the Communist Party USA in the ten or so years between 1935 and 1945. But their influence spread only among a thin layer of liberals – the vast majority of the American people, Democrats or Republicans, remained fierce patriots – as was proven in the years that followed.
Now things are different. The ‘despise America’ virus has spread into the body politic.
I don’t have a plan for reversing this, except to say that we’ve got to focus on education a lot more than we have been doing. And wherever we have political power, we’ve got to use it ruthlessly to beat back the hate-America people. (For example, where we can get control of a school board, we should mandate the presence of large American flag in every classroom, plus the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.)
I don’t know for sure who used the phrase “useful idiot” first, but the point is still valid - communism has never been about achieving an actual “dictatorship of the prolerariat” - it’s always been about an elite achieving total dictatorial power by scamming the “proletariat” into believing the lie and becoming an army of useful idiots for them.
Religion, to quote Mark Twain, “was invented when the first con man met the first fool”, and Marx just picked up where religion left off.
Leftist professors “sincerely believe what they teach” because they’ve been brainwashed with communist propaganda.
Yes, plastics - and lots of other dangerous chemicals - are causing real problems, including low testosterone and fertility rates.
But do you think that is the only reason for the transgender phenomenon? It may be a contributing factor, but it’s obvious to me that it’s mainly the result of a deliberate influence campaign using psychological manipulation to brainwash and groom our children into becoming sterile, sexually mutilated freaks who further the Marxist cause of destroying the “oppressive” traditional family and of course the root of all evil - the capitalist system.
Conservatives are at present attempting to take over school boards, but they’ll need to do alot more than put up American flags. Our schools have become nothing more than leftist indoctrination centers, which are beyond salvaging.
They need to be shut down along with the DOE.
Well, we could have a long and ineresting discussion about what motivated/motivates people to be Communists, including its leaders. I think they believed what they said. But it’s not worth it at the moment, when we need to be discussing how to stop what’s happening to America. (Which is not at all traditional communism, by the way. In a way, it’s far worse. The Communists ruled Eastern Europe for over forty years … but as soon as the threat of Russian invasion to support their Communist government was withdrawn, the people voted them out and set up capitalist democracies. But what’s happening to us is happening from the inside.)
Re American flags in classrooms. Yes, we have to do much more. Basically, we have to drive out unpatriotic teachers. But that’s easier said than done. We have to start by proposing things that the ‘broad middle’ of America will see, in their majority anyway, as reasonable.
These include the Pledge, display of the flag, and other pro-American, patriotic acts – such as having every school have a ‘Veterans’ Appreciation Day’. We can find allies beyond people who are explicit self-described conservatives in this, by the way. Few parents want their children to be exposed to sexual deviants like drag queens when they are young. The same goes for ‘Pride Day’. We can mobilize far beyond our own numbers to stop this sort of thing.
We’ve also got to get the public schools back to teaching the Three R’s in the proper way. That means phonics in reading, and drill-and-practice in arithmetic. The model here is a British Free School (like an American Charter), called Michaela Community School. Read about it here: Michaela Community School - Wikipedia – their mainly non-white student body get fantastic academic results, beating the expensive private schools in exams.
We all need to become ‘amateur experts’ in subjects like crime and education, so that we can make convincing arguments to patriotic Democrats and the ‘broad middle’.
On education, everyone should know about ‘Direct Instruction’, (as opposed to various ‘progressive education’ nostrums) – one of the few head-to-head comparisons of education methods – Project Follow Through – showed that this was the way to go: [ Direct instruction - Wikipedia ] (In particular, everyone needs to know about ‘Project Follow Through’ … [ Follow Through (project) - Wikipedia ]
Education, Crime, Illegal Immigration – these are three issues where we can win large numbers of ordinary Americans who don’t, at the moment, consider themselves conservatives.