An Ottawa-backed terrorist trafficked a 15-year-old British girl to Syria

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I have my suspicions about this. If I remember rightly, Shamima Begum has been refused re-entry into Britain. This is a new story about her. It may have something to do with her trying to claim innocence.


Yes. She as not ‘trafficked’, which implies a serous degree of unwillingness. She was very eager to join ISIS – she was a smart kid, stole money from her parents to buy a plane ticket, and went with a friend. She has been stripped of her British citizenship.

Now the BBC is working to get her back. There is going to be a propaganda series released very soon, to portray her as just a confused teenager who made a mistake, etc.

For those who are interested, there is a discussion on Unherd about this case … with some people favoring bringing Shamima Begum back, others against, here:

She is only one of many hundreds, perhaps several thousand, British Muslims who went to fight on the side of Islamists. I believe almost all of them returned without any problme. This young woman is just a distractor that the so-called ‘Conservative’ govenment holds up to make us think they’re on the case.

My wife’s grandson, 19, wants to join the Royal Air Force. He has paid for his own flying lessons from a job he has, and was an outstanding leader in the ‘Air Cadets’ (like American ROTC). But … he’s male, straight, and white. So … too bad. Maybe later.

Because the Conservative Government has told the Air Force it must have a quota of women and non-whites, and can’t take any others in until that quota is filled. Maybe they’ll sign up Shamima Begum when the BBC gets her brought back as a heroine.

The head of recruitment for the Air Force (a woman) resigned over this:Head of RAF recruitment resigns in after 'pause' on offering jobs to white men (Note how the Conservative candidate for Party leadership says all the right things, as if it wasn’t his Party in charge of the country. These people are shameless. They assume we’re stupid.)

I’ve tried to convince my wife’s grandson that if he is a real patriot, he’ll undergo a sex-change operation so that he can join up. But he declined. Today’s youth are shockingly lacking in patriotism.


I didn’t know about that information. Thank you for telling me.