IDK, My Body would argue otherwise, Hahaha… Hard to believe there was a time where I could hump all my medic gear, my share of team ammo, and at least one personal weapon, and go for days, lol. Longest I ever went w/o sleep was 7 days, during one esp trying mission. You start to hallucinate after a couple days, and have to really keep yourself sharp. Sleep and rest didn’t used to be Army doctrine, long ago, hahaha. All my senior NCOs were old Nam Vets, and they ,like the WW2 guys before them, didn’t brook NO nonsense in training, and pardon my expression, but Thank GOD for THAT, Lol… likely kept many of us alive in later years, I’m certain. (Somehow, and I HAVE tried, I’ve never been able to find an expression that has as much Gravity as that one, except if I use profanity, which even I don’t use in all situations. Lol. ) But it
And let’s not forget the good ol Fireman Carry Mile Run, one of our many PT grades we had to do to graduate from the old Combat Medic school, which is where I started my relatively brief but interesting Army career. They weighed everybody and picked the guys between 180 and 200 as the ‘patients’, My buddy was right at 180. One of the longest miles I’ve ever run, without anybody shooting at me, hahaha…
So I alternate between Ancient and Old n Ornery, depending on the day, and how many painkillers I may have left, hahaha…
Liz - I’ve always been a fan of Rand, since she was one of the few to really nail down how such things happen, presumably from seeing it in Russia, sadly for her.
But Ayn Rand is influential, certainly. But she was NEVER a Studio Head, or owner, or anyone who made the REAL decisions. And I don’t recall ever reading any criticism from her when they started with the Marxist crap, even after it was blatant to anyone who wanted to see it. Which actually surprises me, now that I’m thinking about it . If she did, and I missed it somehow, I will stand corrected, of course. But being prejudicial, or even bigoted, which I am, admittedly and unapologetically , at times, depending on just what the issue is, is a far cry from being ‘anti-semitic’, as clownish as I find that usage, the majority of times I see it trotted out.
See, I tend to sort people out, as I learned long ago that not doing so can get you room temp, quick. Judging people, and groups, by the majority of their known actions is prejudicial, at WORST, and a very SMART thing, most times, until proven otherwise. I also tend to disregard most people who are ‘whatever’ FIRST, and Human, Second, if at all. If EVERYTHING YOU DO, Is tied to a racial, or other Group, like Religion, then I am most certainly going to judge by whatever that Group is best known for. Stereotypes exist because a MAJORITY of whatever Group has been observed over long periods of time to do certain things. Its not even good or bad, always, they just ARE. It’s part of that group’s identity, and there are usually many who not only ascribe to those actions, but often knowingly exaggerate them to exclusion. Only fools, or those with ulterior motives, have I found the only ones to pretend to ignore such things. In the Military such things are known as ‘situational awareness’, a sort of catchall phrase for staying alert and informed, etc. But there’s little point to expounding further, those who agree ,will agree, and those who don’t, won’t.
Also, that article is very interesting, no question, and the religious research is astounding, really. A lot of it I did know (or at least, remembered I knew, lol, once it jogged my memory,) but quite a bit of the really early stuff, and some off the connections that have clearly been made since last I studied such things in earnest, were very worth the read. But at the same time, a lot of it reads like pro-Israel propaganda, at times, or just short of it. Still very much oppression politics, just much more slickly done, than most. Could it possibly be any more ‘glowing’, lol ? It’s very biased, with constant deflections - Most of it read to me like- "Well, okay, we did some horrible shit, and screwed up the World a lot, BUT it’s all good, cos we didn’t really mean to, so everybody stop blaming us for anything, as a group, okay, except, all the COOL stuff we’ve done as a group, counts, and is awesome !’ Smfh.
Want to know who you are Ruled by? Find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
Guess we just found out.