An Historical Revision: Hollywood

The new $484 million Academy Museum of Motion Pictures completely erases Jews from the history of Hollywood. It’s missing any mention of the small band of mostly Jewish emigres from Eastern Europe who created the film industry. The people without whom there would be no entertainment industry.
The museum pays tribute to blacks, trannies, and even Native Americans, but no mention of the people who created Hollywood in the first place.
It’s politically correct Hollywood catering to wokeness by hiding the fact that the town is a meritocracy built by impoverished immigrants.
What the omission means is that Jews are now white, to be erased along with all other whites.

According to the Left now, if you are white, you are not allowed to have been victimized. The only victimization that counts is that of blacks by whites (viz. Whoopie Goldberg). Only blacks can be victims or ever can have been. And only victims matter, only black lives matter.


While I will always Fight against such Marxism, I will admit I find it RATHER HARD to be terribly sympathetic. But it is STILL categorically WRONG, without question, and I am still an Old School American, who believes all such things are Vile at their Core.
BUT- Live by Oppression Politics, Die By It. As SO many of us warned, only to be screeched at with the usual leftist epithets, when THEY were Championing such bullshit. Hard not to be Snarky and say to the ‘chosen’, ‘Deus Vult’… but I won’t, lol… :wink:

You really are a filthy, low, despicable anti-Semite, “AncientFutures”.

I thought this post would bring out a statement from you confirming that, and it has.

That is what is most disgusting about you, though it’s also obvious that you are unintelligent, potty-mouthed, a gasbag, and a trumpeting egotist.


Well, don’t hide your Feelings. Lol. Well, I see what I see, and I know what I know. Can you show me where I’m WRONG, in my above statement ? I doubt you can, but I’m open to you showing me how a Jewish Dominated Hollywood, who for decades pushed Marxist ‘Social’ Doctrines,and has NOW been determined by those they were using in their “oppression” politics,is somehow a figment of my imagination ? Do you need to take a xanax, or something ? Why would what I think affect YOU so seriously, if you do not value anything I say ? Generally, I tend to ignore those I have such serious issues with. Or rather, ignore, isn’t exactly it,maybe, I’m aware, but I no longer engage with them on any level.
HOW, exactly, again, is it anti-semitism ? When the whole point of the article is that the JEWISH dominated early History of Hollywood, is being erased. I certainly have no wish for that,personally,as I stated. But clearly, this is not a rational subject for you.
Riddle me THIS, Batkid- What name would YOU, probably rather gleefully, I would imagine,CALL ME, if I started going around telling people openly, or even in private, really doesn’t matter either way, but that MY “Northern European” Ancestry, and all who have come from them, are GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE ? Lol…I have a very sneaking suspicion that it would start with a " W", and have an “hit” in the middle, and very likely a “Sooopreemacy” at the end, wouldn’t it ?
Lol. Whatever. No sleep will be lost over this in my remaining years, I’m near certain. :wink:

The problem with what you were saying, as far as I can see, is that you seem to be lumping all Jews in with leftists, as if Jews were solely responsible for it. Alot of Jews are leftists, but so are alot of atheists, Catholics, etc. Why bash Jews for it?


Are there, or were there, any influential Hollywood Jews who were NOT ? I just don’t see where any group, that consistently acts as a group, should get a pass for doing screwed up things. How come the Rules always change if a WHITE guy says something ? I’m just forcing some folks to use the ‘rules’ consistently. I have talked with, and HEARD, Jews who are completely batshit crazy over their ‘Jewishness’ as much as any batshit crazy Southern Evangelical.EVER actually talked to any Orthodox Jews ? They do NOT like you, I assure you of that. They TOLERATE US. Which is perfectly fine, by me. Americans are and always should be allowed to mingle with whom they prefer. And WHY? Because you are a goyim. Period. It that not exactly the definition of racist ? (which considering it’s Marxist history, and usage, I’m not too crazy about, to start with, but I digress ) But OMG SCREEEECH, “yEw CiAnT sAy MeAn StUfF bOuT jEwS”… It’s just comical, at times, how fast some ‘goyim’ (another thing they get a pass for,btw) will fall all over themselves to ‘defend’ them. Same as woke white women do with with Blacks. Either NONE of it is okay, or ALL of it is, in my book. And frankly, I’m far more on the side of it ALL being okay. Words are words. they mean nothing until someone takes action. No matter how insulting. Insult me by whatever group I ascribe too all day long, if you like, IDC. Harm me or mine, and suffer, legally, hopefully, if the Rule of Law is working. But I could truly care less WHY you harmed me. And if whatever mean thing you say IS True, then I probably need to hear it. But I’m over the 'people can Trumpet THEIR Group affiliations all they like, unless they are WHITE,and then they are NATZIS REEEEE ! ’ It’s just overplayed.And insanely hypocritical. Can I sue someone over ‘anti-NorthEuropeanism’ ? And why NOT ? I’m sure I have lots of ancestors who suffered horrible things, same as everyone else, right ? But of course I’m the bad guy. Lol. Whatever.
But you asked, and thats how I feel, after 58 years on the planet, and not living in a cave. But of course, I KNOW that’s not okay, because us evil white devils aren’t allowed opinions, Amirite ? LOL. I’ve never once encouraged anyone to hate any of these various folks, but I can surely hate some of the things they believe in, do AS whatever group they self identify with,and spout off, same as anyone can in return, to me.
But I’m certain I’ll be called names, told I’m horrible for even thinking such things, and probably asked to leave. Actually, already got the name calling,lol, I almost forgot… , Sorry… :wink:


May I replay the thrust of this article from our conservative anti-woke (and we know what is really happening with the Reset) viewpoint?

From the author:

" Unless…unless the goal isn’t diversity but punishment. Retribution. Study any racial cap-and-quota system throughout history: Jim Crow South, Nazi Germany, apartheid South Africa, 20th-century Fiji. It’s always about keeping one group down. It’s never about “equity.” It’s about the empowered telling the disfavored, “I want to keep you stifled. I want to artificially inhibit your chances of success.” We should be honest about this: Hollywood’s caps and quotas are not about adding blacks but subtracting whites. And now Jews are finding out that for the purposes of this discussion, they’re as white as Grace Kelly. If “whiteness is a state of mind” (the ideology pushed by the Ibram X. Kendis and funded by the Shlomo Oyveygenbergs), then Ashkenazi Tay-Sachs DNA don’t count for shit."

And for the Ancient One:

“Racial apartheids are always bad, and if you take a “serves ’em right” attitude for one, you’re just encouraging more of them, until eventually you’re on the ass end of one yourself.”

Or as we remember it; “first they came for the Communist…”

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.

Talk about Ancient Futures, dude?! History often rhymes…


Good grief! You talk as if you are ancient and decrepit! :rofl:

58 years old?! Crotchety but not ancient.


“…we’re there any influential Hollywood Jews who were not?” Well, there was Ayn Rand, for one. She was a Russian Jew and an atheist, and was the greatest defender of Capitalism and individualism, and foe of Communism, in American history.
She worked in Hollywood writing scripts early in her career. She wrote the list of rules for the movie industry of how to keep communist propaganda out of their movies.


Speaking of which, here’s an article from The Objective Standard that expresses a similar sentiment. The author who writes this is of Jewish descent himself.


Surely Mel Brooks is a capitalist, who disdains the PC and cancel culture.


I have never thought much about this:

" Jews are innocent of virtually every accusation that, for two millennia, anti-Semites have hurled against them. But more, in the modern world, especially in America, they have exerted an enormously positive influence on the development of advanced culture. Nonetheless, there is a horror for which Judaism is legitimately responsible. It consists of a constellation of irrationalities. These are: (1) Jews created the first influential faith-based, supernatural religion; (2) they were the first influential group in Western history to overtly reject the reason-based culture of the Greeks in favor of faith-based orthodoxy; (3) Judaism directly spawned Christianity, an even more destructive religion; (4) Judaism indirectly spawned Islam, perhaps the most destructive religion of all."

Didn’t know that Ayn Rand was a nom de plume.


Great article!
The only way I might disagree is on the idea that Jews “created” Judaism. I think it sort of evolved out of the influence of previous cultures and religions such as those of the Egyptians and Babylonians, and then, in combination with other pagan religions, in turn influenced the births of Christianity and Islam.


Yeah, I think I agree there. Perhaps the key word is “influential.” And did they reject the “reason-based culture of the Greeks” or did they develop their own reason-based culture influenced by many previous cultures that was reflected in their religion? And, as for influential, were they more influential in their region than the Norse or Celtic deities of Western history?

Ugh, the history of religious influence upon human culture will weigh you down, if you think too much on it. I have always disliked St. Patrick’s Day.


Good point - they had already been influenced by the previous religions in their development of reasoning. But many did absorb the Greek influence, also.


Goodness me Ancient Futures. Why are you so full of antisemitic hate? I am quite shocked. Most people who write on this forum believe that all men are created equal and that this is the foundation of America. The very interesting thing about the article here is that it highlights the cynical racism of the Left.

It seems to me you are just a Lefty, too, but you call yourself an Old School Lefty.


IDK, My Body would argue otherwise, Hahaha… Hard to believe there was a time where I could hump all my medic gear, my share of team ammo, and at least one personal weapon, and go for days, lol. Longest I ever went w/o sleep was 7 days, during one esp trying mission. You start to hallucinate after a couple days, and have to really keep yourself sharp. Sleep and rest didn’t used to be Army doctrine, long ago, hahaha. All my senior NCOs were old Nam Vets, and they ,like the WW2 guys before them, didn’t brook NO nonsense in training, and pardon my expression, but Thank GOD for THAT, Lol… likely kept many of us alive in later years, I’m certain. (Somehow, and I HAVE tried, I’ve never been able to find an expression that has as much Gravity as that one, except if I use profanity, which even I don’t use in all situations. Lol. ) But it
And let’s not forget the good ol Fireman Carry Mile Run, one of our many PT grades we had to do to graduate from the old Combat Medic school, which is where I started my relatively brief but interesting Army career. They weighed everybody and picked the guys between 180 and 200 as the ‘patients’, My buddy was right at 180. One of the longest miles I’ve ever run, without anybody shooting at me, hahaha… :wink:
So I alternate between Ancient and Old n Ornery, depending on the day, and how many painkillers I may have left, hahaha… :rofl:

Liz - I’ve always been a fan of Rand, since she was one of the few to really nail down how such things happen, presumably from seeing it in Russia, sadly for her.
But Ayn Rand is influential, certainly. But she was NEVER a Studio Head, or owner, or anyone who made the REAL decisions. And I don’t recall ever reading any criticism from her when they started with the Marxist crap, even after it was blatant to anyone who wanted to see it. Which actually surprises me, now that I’m thinking about it . If she did, and I missed it somehow, I will stand corrected, of course. But being prejudicial, or even bigoted, which I am, admittedly and unapologetically , at times, depending on just what the issue is, is a far cry from being ‘anti-semitic’, as clownish as I find that usage, the majority of times I see it trotted out.
See, I tend to sort people out, as I learned long ago that not doing so can get you room temp, quick. Judging people, and groups, by the majority of their known actions is prejudicial, at WORST, and a very SMART thing, most times, until proven otherwise. I also tend to disregard most people who are ‘whatever’ FIRST, and Human, Second, if at all. If EVERYTHING YOU DO, Is tied to a racial, or other Group, like Religion, then I am most certainly going to judge by whatever that Group is best known for. Stereotypes exist because a MAJORITY of whatever Group has been observed over long periods of time to do certain things. Its not even good or bad, always, they just ARE. It’s part of that group’s identity, and there are usually many who not only ascribe to those actions, but often knowingly exaggerate them to exclusion. Only fools, or those with ulterior motives, have I found the only ones to pretend to ignore such things. In the Military such things are known as ‘situational awareness’, a sort of catchall phrase for staying alert and informed, etc. But there’s little point to expounding further, those who agree ,will agree, and those who don’t, won’t.
Also, that article is very interesting, no question, and the religious research is astounding, really. A lot of it I did know (or at least, remembered I knew, lol, once it jogged my memory,) but quite a bit of the really early stuff, and some off the connections that have clearly been made since last I studied such things in earnest, were very worth the read. But at the same time, a lot of it reads like pro-Israel propaganda, at times, or just short of it. Still very much oppression politics, just much more slickly done, than most. Could it possibly be any more ‘glowing’, lol ? It’s very biased, with constant deflections - Most of it read to me like- "Well, okay, we did some horrible shit, and screwed up the World a lot, BUT it’s all good, cos we didn’t really mean to, so everybody stop blaming us for anything, as a group, okay, except, all the COOL stuff we’ve done as a group, counts, and is awesome !’ Smfh.
Want to know who you are Ruled by? Find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
Guess we just found out.

I,I,I,I,I,I,I …

You are not interesting, AncientFutures. What makes you think we want to hear all about you?


Is there really any need to be so nasty, just because you disagree with me ? It’s rather telling. I haven’t called you, or anyone here, any names, or said anything personally ugly to anyone here. You’ve disagreed, and I’ve given my thoughts as to why I think what I think. You can hate them, despise them, agree, disagree, whatever, but there’s really no need to be ugly, lol. Ad hominem is generally regarded as a very weak response to debate. And FYI, I didn’t assume everyone wanted to here that one personal part, which is why I prefaced it with the other posters name, because it was a direct response to HER comments. I see responses like that in many text forums, and sometimes I read them,sometimes I don’t, but I do know clearly the difference between a direct reply and one meant for all, when a private message isn’t used. Which I try to refrain from, esp with self identified females, because just randomly PMing like that is usually thought to be pretty creepy. So I tend to avoid that altogether, and avoid the appearance of it.
I’ll do my best not to respond to anything you post directly in the future.

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It is not a matter of disagreement. I don’t merely disagree with you. I am appalled by you. Your vicious racism is uncivilized. And you talk about being “nasty”! Some speech - protected of course by the First Amendment - is simply disgusting. Yours is. And you plainly do not care.

Furthermore, you are a bore. If you don’t want to be boring, don’t write so much about yourself.

To write at length about yourself and then complain that comment is “ad hominem” is an illustration of your lack of intelligence.