America RIP


Did the American Idea work for a couple of hundred years, or was that an illusion?

Can it ever work?


No, the American Republic is not an illusion. It was real, palpably real. But, as Gibbon famously stated: “History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.” The default position in our history is tyranny. The periods celebrating the flickering candle of intellectual liberty, such as Periclean Athens and the American Republic, are cruelly brief. The new Dark Age of Tyranny is upon is. America RIP.


It was the peak of civilization, and because of it’s greatness, it continued to function better than any others in spite of the rot of corruption that set in.
But corruption and tyranny seem to have overwhelmed it at this point - the tyrants are in power, and the corrupt are in the majority.
How do you depose corrupt tyrants with votes?
They just rig the system.


So, are you suggesting that violence is imminent - a civil war?

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I don’t know. I hope not. I don’t think it would work.

I think we have to see this in the context of the adversary we’re up against - communism - and the extent to which that adversary has been more zealous and ruthless in pursuing its goals than we have been in defending ours against its attacks. If we’ve fallen, we’ve fallen from within because our immune response to communism was weakened - an essential part of their strategy - beginning around 1970 contemporary with our cultural revolution that had been growing in strength since the time of Kennedy’s assassination - which ended The Greater Fifties, the eighteen years 1946-1963 when our immune system against communism was fairly robust.



The West also won the Cold War. Against Russian Communism. But not against Communism. Which just scored a frightful victory with the New York kangaroo court’s absurd and vicious condemnation of President Trump.

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What will we do now? The law is our shelter. It has been demolished.

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So violent rebellion now?

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“When in the Course of human events…”


Mark Levin’s take on this legal abomination:


How does this American left define violence?


Apparently violence according to the Left is -
Praying in the vicinity of an abortion clinic
Being near or entering the Capitol on January 6 2021 while not being a Democrat
Being Jewish
Flying the flag with the tree on it
Building a border wall
Burning coal, oil, or gas
Being a white male
Stating that you can’t change your sex
Appreciating the police

What is not violence is -
Rioting in the streets
Killing police officers
Entering the US unlawfully
Mutilating the bodies of children
Murdering while being a Democrat or Muslim

Both lists could be much longer.


Yes, to the left, even speech is violence, if it offends them! But of course, their own actual violence is fine, and is totally justified, because it’s for the righteous cause of the Revolution!!!
They’re fighting Fascists!!! Stop the hate!!!
Say the most hateful people in history…

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Yes speech is violence - and so is silence!


Yes, speech is violence and so is silence - i.e., unless you’re chanting their catechism, you can be retaliated against for your ‘threat to our democracy’. The left reads Orwell’s 1984 as a how-to manual.


Your flag for THEM is perfectly designed.

The red star among the bananas was a super-inspiration.


Thanks. I wanted a distress flag to complement the caption I added to this screen clip… (added “34 Bananas for The Republic”) The field that normally has 50 five-pointed stars now has 34 bananas in a 5 x 7 matrix with the communist star in the middle.

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