America Now: Expensive Elite Education in Sexual Perversion

“Gay grooming is no longer hiding in the shadows. It is out in the open, and proud of itself. The very worst schools are private, and expensive. In Chicago, the $42,000 a year Francis W. Parker School is educating its students in ways that most of us didn’t experience when we were growing up …”

And there’s a Project Veritas video all about it here:

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Every evil thing seems to originate with the elites, so that would make sense.

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The latest City Journal [ ] has an excellent, well-researched article by Christoper Rufo, which traces the current push to sexualize children back to the beginnings of post-modernism and ‘de-construction’, in the 1970s.

It may not be available on the City Journal website yet, but will be soon. In any case, everyone should subscribe to this magazine.

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